Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015 Tuesday

Get Fit
Did some line dancing with Denise Austin.  Its a good way to get going.  Don and I and some friends of ours are starting line dance lessons this week at a local school.  It's a great way to get some exercise and have some fun!  Look around see what you can find!

Get Faith
Joshua 5:13-6:5  Joshua beat the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down.  I have heard stories of how a troop of soldiers or people marching to a steady beat and causing a steady rhythm or vibration can cause structures like buildings or bridges to crumble.  Some will find a way to explain these things.  It's ok, but I believe, however he did it, God orchestrated the walls of the city falling to Joshua and I know Joshua and the Israelites believed it.  Have faith.

On this day;
1975 - I was working two jobs - one was a home party show with Mexican imports.  My kit weighed 400 lbs.  There was pottery, wrought iron and stoneware, nice stuff and I did well with it.  On this day my friend Waynette and her sister went with me to the party.  I think Barb was considering selling at home parties and I was training her.  I did a lot of these type things, this was the most successful company that I sold for.

1975 - South Vietnam president, Nguyen Van Thieu, resigned, condemning the United States.  that's the thanks we get. hmmm.

Parenting/Family - I mentioned the young couple that got burned out of their house the other day?  A lot of friends and people have stopped by to lend a hand, drop off donations and offer opportunities.  The people in my world are kind and caring.  I hope they are in your world too.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

    They were nice girls and listened to their mom and dad.  They told me about how fun it is to go play on the slide and monkey bars before the show.  But then their dad was back and the cartoons started on the big screen, up in the sky in front of the car.  We girls had to move around till we could see around Mr. and Mrs. Owens heads and over the seat. 
Kalkaska Michigan

Whitetails - AKA - Fireball

Bars & Clubs, Nightlife   Have to go here and see what it is! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don and Michael!

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