Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28, 2015 Tuesday

Get Fit
Did some aerobics with Jane and friends this morning.  I have to do more walking to get ready for my Scotland trip in August.  I need to take my own advice!

Get Faith
Matthew 8:23-27 This is about the disciples being in the boat on the sea with Jesus.  He fell asleep and a huge storm came up and the disciples were afraid for their lives.  You probably know that Jesus calmed the storm, showing his power was from the creator that can control all things on earth.  Try and remember today if you have storms in your life to take them to the Lord in prayer.

On this day;
1997  We had a huge electrical storm a few days before and I was having a hard time with my office computer at work.  The lightening had hit the 2 way radio tower on top of the building and had traveled down the steel framework of the building.  The force had blown a manhole cover 20 feet in the air behind the building and knocked a couple guys in the shop down.  My desk was metal and I felt the shock as well.  On this day I tried to start my computer but the screen was like a rainbow.  We went out and bought a new monitor.  When we put it on the desk - same thing a rainbow.  I called the tech support, they came out and decided the metal desk was holding a charge and had to be removed.  I got a beautiful wood desk.  Moral here is get rid of that old steel desk you are using.

1997 - A worldwide treaty to ban chemical weapons took effect. Russia and other countries such as Iraq and North Korea did not sign. Sorry to ruin your day with this memory.

Parenting/Family; If you are young and planning your life don't be too sure of the outcome.  Just when you think you have it handled, something else comes up, like illness, house repairs, college education, job changes  and children with children moving back home.  Nothing is cast in stone you will find.  The best you can do is roll with the punches and pray.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
  Rick Nelson – Young Emotions
      My girlfriend Maddie lived in a colonial right on Outer Drive and had a gate to her backyard off the alley. We probably became friends because we lived so close to each other.  I never saw any other girls at her house.  But she and I developed a quick relationship.
Kalkaska Michigan:
There are many family oriented organized events held in Kalkaska County, such as
  • National Trout Festival (April)
  • Winter-Fest (February)
  • County Fair (August)
  • Blue Grass Festival
  • Strawberry Social (June)
  • Christmas in Kalkaska (December)
  • Library Annual Used Book sale (May)
  • Library Christmas Cookie sale  (December)  Leaving here soon don't want you to miss some of these other events!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Josh, Sarah & Julia!

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