Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17, 2015 Friday!!

Get Fit
Instead of the Pilates I opted for the Weight Watchers video.  Easy aerobics and weight circuit training.  It is going to be 70 here today so I am definitely going for a walk later!  Get your spring training started! 

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 12:1-11  Concerning spiritual gifts.  Jesus said that when he left he would leave us the spirit to help us.  We are baptized into the spirit and so we are endowed with certain gifts from the spirit.  These gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, miraculous powers, prophecy, speaking in other languages and listening  are given to us to help one another in God's name.  Many people do good works without knowing the spirit, but the spirit knows them.  Use your gift to be kind to others.

On this day:
2004 - I had just recently brought Mom home from the hospital where she had colon cancer surgery.  My friend Marty was still in the hospital so I wanted to get back there and see him.  Mom's cousin Helmut (90+) came over to visit her and I picked up chicken dinners for them.  At the hospital Marty was in bad shape after an aneurism had shut down 1/2 his brain, on this day he had a second bleed and the family included me in the decision to shut down life support.  He was 49.   Life is tough.

1961 - About 1,400 U.S.-supported Cuban exiles invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. It was an unsuccessful attack.  Well maybe now we will have peace with Cuba.

Do you remember 0 Population growth?  We felt we were overpopulating the earth.  China has had restrictions on childbirth for a long time.  The earth makes its own decisions as well through natural disasters.  Americans have cut back the amount of children they have for many reasons, maybe financial being the number one reason.  Many men have had vasectomy's and women have had their tubes tied.  I\A good side of this is the gay couples and those who are childless not by choice, that adopt children.  There are those groups of people that have having many children to support their cause or for their own future continuation.  We are far from 0 population growth.  How do you feel about this?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     I’m not done.  It seemed to be a pattern.  We moved to Coyle Street in Detroit and discovered a neighbor on the next street had a little boy that was retarded like our little Donny.  Mom of course was drawn to the mother as they could share their grief in having damaged children.    There were also two other children, little girls, and I played with them.  I remember one night they took me to the West Side drive-in with them to see Oklahoma.  It was my first time at a drive-in movie and I loved it.
Kalkaska Michigan
Granada Inn Motel  C'mon lets go!  This looks fun!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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