Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 26, 2015 Sunday

Get Fit - Take the dog for a walk later, or your neighbors dog.

Get Faith!  go to church.  Its the best place to find it.

On this day:
1985 - This was my last day at Quality Picture Frame.  I thought.  Being 38 years old and ready to deliver my daughter in a few weeks, the doctor said it was time to get off my feet and take it easy.  After working there for 18 1/2 years it was tough to leave, but I knew Chris and I would always be friends.

1952 - Patty Berg set a new record for major women’s golf competition when she shot a 64 over 18 holes in a tournament in Richmond, CA. This is for Chris, she's the golfer.

Parenting/Family - My daughter (30) had to miss church today to attend a first aid class at Red Cross for her work at camp.  Through school, when she was still under my house rules, she wouldn't be able to attend.  It was on the tip of tongue to say "tell them its a day of worship and you can't go".  I guess saving lives is a good reason to miss.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
    Mom said she told her to take him to Coldwater but Lapeer was closer for visiting they said.  I think Mom felt bad that she had suggested they put Carl there.
     Mom took me to that funeral home.  Carl was in a little coffin with mesh netting over him.  I was probably eight at the time and stood staring till Mom made me move away.  Death seemed to be following me from house to house.  Did I do this?  It haunted me.  I couldn’t help thinking of those other boys.

Kalkaska Michigan -  A few more days here.
Kalkaska County:Kalkaska County was organized on January 22, 1871. The county seat was located in Kalkaska on July 14, 1873, and the Village of Kalkaska was incorporated on March 10, 1887. Woodenware factories such as the Freeman Factory, organized in 1878, and later the Kalkaska Handle Factory, produced all kinds of wooden handles, butter bowls, molds, paddles, towel hangers, clothes pins, toys and many other items, some of which are on display at the museum.

Logging camps employed many men, such as the Smith Lumber Company (1895) which employed 180. There were livery stables, blacksmith shops, a bicycle shop and ice cutting services in winter time. Early export products were lumber and wood products, bark, ferns, potatoes, mint, dairy products, apples, huckleberries, and later, horseradish. Other industries included newspaper printing (1874), a cigar factory (1892), numerous hotels and boarding houses.

Social events were sponsored mainly by schools, churches, lodges and clubs. Some early events included Oyster Suppers, Box Socials, Ice Cream Socials and concerts. The Opera House brought musicians, plays and concerts to the community. The Chautauqua held Tent Meetings and Variety Shows. Lyseum provided winter entertainment.
  Now that is interesting! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shelly!

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