Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
There are so many opportunities to get going and only 10 or 20 minutes a day works.  Think about why kids never complain about aches and pains.  They are in constant motion, well ok not all kids some are stuck in front of a TV or video screen.  Get them moving too.  I did a little Pilates for Dummies this morning.  You can do it!

Get Faith:
1 John 2 John and 3 John.  Sounds like a lot but they are short new testament books, written by ....yep you guessed it, John.  The disciples were trying to get the word out about Jesus the Christ and it was catching on like crazy.  Who doesn't want to hear - your sins are forgiven, you are loved and you can have a better life and peace?  They didn't have a lot and too bad, too often, salvation is only a thrill to the poor.  Do the wealthy only find comfort in their wealth?  you can't buy eternity - it's free.

On this day;
1989 - Mom was too happy to be able to go to the Fire Station  with the co-op Nicole was in. Nicole was 4 and so excited to go.  Mark and I had to attend a funeral for Skip.  He was the son of my father in laws friend Wally.  The families were close and it was a sad funeral, he was a young man.  He lived the fast life and that too often leads to a fast end.  I would hope that grandmas taking 4 year olds to school outings, like the fire department, would offset children making bad choices later in life.  It worked for Nicole.  Take your kids to important places, it might make a difference.
1989 - Student protestors took over Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This was the right decision with a bad outcome.

Parenting/Family  Mom is not happy in the nursing home she is in.  It is too far out of her box.  At 93, it is too late to embrace other cultures and situations for someone who wasn't that out going in her lifetime.  I will try to get her moved into her comfort zone, asap.  When my time comes you can put me in the most diverse place you can find.  I would love to sit on a Sunday afternoon and listen to those three black ladies sing Gospel at the place my mom is now.  I can feel me some Pentecostal.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
    Now it was little Leonard on Outer Drive.  It might have been now at the age of 13 that I realized what the chances were of something like that happening in all the places I had lived, and all boys.  Was I cursed?  I hoped we wouldn’t move anymore.  But after a while you forget about it.  Life goes on, especially for kids.  But I prayed to God that if this was a lesson I had to learn, to not make other children pay for it.
Kalkaska Michigan

Welcome To Kalkaska Michigan

Don't know how I missed this before!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Tim and Joshua T !!

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