Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015 Wednesday

Get Fit
How about an ab workout today!  Do some sit-ups, Planking, Pilates.  We all complain about sore backs, the real hero with ab workouts is - it strengthens your back.  Do yourself a favor!  I worked out with a very young Denise today - Super Stomach.  I might just throw this one out.  My abs will never be that flat. BUT my back feels great!

Philippians 4:10-20 - Be thankful for all that people do for you.  Paul was thanking the Philippians for their gifts and kindness to him.  The study writer says that what you do for others raises a sweet aroma to God, an acceptable sacrifice.  So, don't be stinky today! Do something nice for someone.

On this day:
1968 - I wrote in my journal "still on curfew".  Looking back I realized it must have been due to Martin Luther King's murder a few days earlier.  I didn't remember that, but I guess in view of the previous years riot, it was a good idea.

1998 - The widow of Martin Luther King Jr. presented new evidence in an appeal for new federal investigation of the assassination of her husband.  Really?  30 years later and not resolved?  I need to pay more attention to this type of history.  As we know it repeats itself.

Parenting/Family - I babysat my friends 3 year old yesterday.  He is such a well mannered, sweet little boy.  They don't give him a lot of sugar, and I found out in a very quick test, why.  He played so nice with all my Easter toys, bunnies and baskets, etc. and then I gave him some jelly beans.  In a split second he went from calm to a frenzy - throwing grass from the baskets all over and out of control.  No more beans for that boy.  Think about how much sugar you give your kids. 

Come Get These Memories - from the Sixties (excerpt)

     Our house was the first house behind the houses that faced Outer Drive, which was a divided boulevard with mostly large beautiful homes.  It wove through most of Detroit, a show place for finer homes.  It went out from the east side from the edge of Grosse Pointe, westward to where it stopped by Woodward, but then started up again west of that and then wove down and around after Southfield to the Southwest section around River Rouge Park.  My dad used to drive that road a lot on our travels across town, it turned and curved, not like the straight mile roads or the streets like the spokes of the wheel that came out of downtown Detroit.  It was somewhat prestigious to live by Outer Drive and probably commanded higher taxes.  But we didn’t live on the prestigious road.  


The town was platted in 1873 by A. A. Abbott and R. L. Thompson, who owned a sawmill, and who correctly anticipated the arrival of the railroad.
On July 5, 1908, a fire began in the middle of the business block and burned most of the stores. Local photographer E. L. Beebe made a number of photographs of the fire, and the resulting postcards were widely sold, and can still be found today. Two years later, in 1910 another fire started in downtown Kalkaska. Again, in 1925 downtown Kalkaska was devastated by the largest fire since the Fire of 1908.
In 1916, the noted author Ernest Hemingway visited and fished in Kalkaska, and later immortalized the town in his story "The Battler". A historical marker has been placed at the Rugg Pond Dam, on the Rapid River, where Hemingway reportedly fished one night from the power house.
On July 10, 1951, the Kalkaska State Bank was robbed by an armed man, who fled and later attempted to escape on foot through a nearby swampy area. After three days of what was termed the largest manhunt in Northern Michigan history, involving the FBI and local and state authorities, the gunman was captured south of the town. Named Raymond J. Turcotte, he had a long string of prior convictions, including manslaughter. Turcotte confessed to the bank robbery and served 18 years in the Michigan State Prison at Jackson, Michigan including a term for escape in 1961.
Discovery of natural gas and oil in the area during the 1970s lead to significant growth for the village; however, the growth has since subsided.
In 1993, the Kalkaska schools made national headlines when a financial crisis resulted in a two-month-long closure. Subsequent funding reform improved the outlook for Kalkaska and similar small rural districts in Michigan.
Well!  who knew that? 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Monna!

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