Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015 Friday

Get Fit
Did the resistant band with Richard Simmons today.  He does a nice warm up and then works out the legs, chest, back, shoulders and arms. 

James 2:14-17  Faith and Deeds.  This is a catch 22 I think.  Our faith is what saves us, but if you don't do good deeds your faith is dead.  I think if you have faith and love God you want to do good works to thank and praise God.  If you don't maybe you need to strengthen your faith.  It is like going to college, paying thousands for a degree in medicine and then never using it.  What is the point or what good does it do you or God?  I don't think God expects you to use all of your time and money on serving others (like Mother Theresa) He wants you to have a life too, but he knows if you are too self centered you won't be happy and neither will he.

On this day;
1983 - Andy, Alice and I were up north at Gaylord at Mom's house.  We had Andy's girls, Merri and Lindsey up there too.  Alice and I took the girls for a walk, probably to wear them out before getting in the car to make the 4 hour trip home.  They were 6 and 4.  We had also celebrated Lindsey's birthday the day before.  It was a nice family weekend, far different then things today with our family.  Great to remember Mom's delicious patato rolls that she made from scratch..  Yummm.

1912 - The Titanic set sail from Southampton, England. I guess families on this cruise had great expectations of a terrific family outing. 

Parenting/Family A recently renewed friendship from school days stopped abruptly a month or so ago.  Yesterday I mentioned how death is a huge game changer in family dynamics.  Jim and Cheryl were on a cruise with friends when Jim had a heart attack and died while eating an ice cream cone.  Cheryl and her kids are left to cope with the "hole" in their family.  But, I have to say - that's the way I want to go.  On a cruise with an ice cream cone.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     Greenfields by The Brothers Four
     The house on the corner of St Marys and Outer Drive was owned by a Jewish doctor and his wife and they had a negroe house maid.  They were all very polite and waved if we saw each other.  At the other end of the block on Murray Hill and Outer Drive was a family that had a little boy.  The man owned the gas station up on Six Mile and Adam worked for him part time when he was old enough.  That’s how I found out about their little boy.  
Kalkaska Michigan


2011-2012 Kalkaska was home to the Junior Hockey Team, Kalkaska Roughnecks. They currently compete in the Great Lakes Junior Hockey League, an American Tier III Junior B ice hockey league.
Ok not going there to watch sports. 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

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