Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19, 2015 Sunday

Get Fit
A day of rest.  I think resting from a lot of activity and work one day is a good idea no matter who ordered it, but I take my lead from higher power. 

Get Faith
Psalm 103 - is my favorite.  It speaks to me of my life and my promise in God. "Praise the Lord, my soul: all my inmost being, praise his holy name."

On this day:
2009 - This might be the day Nicole decided to not go into the family business.  Her Aunt Jan picked her up and took her to the marina to help with getting boats ready to go into the water.  Jan had a business that was for the better part - woodworking, teak specifically.  On the worse side it was sanding and painting bottoms of boats.  Very hard on the arms and back. 

1897 - The first annual Boston Marathon was held. It was the first of its type in the U.S.
1951 - Shigeki Tanaka won the Boston Marathon. Tanaka had survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima, Japan during World War II.
1993 - The Branch-Davidian’s compound in Waco, TX, burned to the ground. It was the end of a 51-day standoff between the cult and U.S. federal agents. 86 people were killed including 17 children. Nine of the Branch Davidians escaped the fire.
1995 - The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, was destroyed by a bomb. It was the worst bombing on U.S. territory. 168 people were killed including 19 children, and 500 were injured. Timothy McVeigh was found guilty of the bombing on June 2, 1997.
I just thought this was an odd bit of history for one day.

Family/Parenting - Some days these events fall into your lap.  The house 3 door down burned.  Nicole shouted to me from the living room and I ran out the door to see if I could help.  It is just in my nature.  The young couple that lived there were not home but we thought the dog was in the house which was in full flame.  Ty busted in the front door (after feeling it for heat) with a sledge hammer, but no dog.  We were so sad.  When the young couple arrived after an hour or so it was heartbreaking to see the young mom, who is pregnant and holding her 10 month old son crumple to the ground when she saw her house.  We took the family in to keep  them from the news and give them shelter and comfort.  The dog was in their car.  That's when I cried.  From relief.

Come Get These Memories - Of the Sixties (excerpt)
     Mr. Owens was real nice.  He was very tall and thin and not as good looking as my dad, but he had a real happy face.  He opened the car door to get out and then turned to us in the back.
    “How about some pop and popcorn?  Jean would you like pop and popcorn or would you like a hot dog or chips?  Or an ice cream?”  He beamed at me.  What a nice man.
     “I like pop and popcorn or whatever everyone else is having Mr. Owens.”  Not wanting to be picky and not get asked back again.
     “Ok, I’ll be right back; you girls keep the doors locked.”  He replied fatherly.  Even though the windows were down.
Kalkaska Michigan
There's a place called Shirley's in the Woods Café on M72.  How about Sunday dinner?  It gets pretty good reviews!  C'mon!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sherri!!, Kayla and Robyn!!

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