Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 11, 2015 Saturday

Get Fit
Denise Austin and I did some Pilates today.  I am a big fan of Pilates with anyone.  Nothing builds core strength like Pilates does.  Try it!

Get Faith
1 Samuel 17:33-50 - This is the infamous story of David the shepherd killing Goliath the Philistine.  It is not surprising that a boy with the faith of David could do this, God had his back.  Never underestimate God's power and your faith in Him.  Through Him  all things are possible.

On This Day;
1984 - My friend Christine went to the doctor for a biopsy.  I had much more faith that hers was going to turn out well then I have for my own now.  My faith held true, she is still around 31 years later. 

1984 - China invaded Vietnam.
1984 - General Secretary Konstantin U. Cherenkov was named president of the Soviet Union. These were big news, but I don't remember this and ? I didn't mark them down in my journal.  I guess we know where my priorities are.

When do you start letting children decide their own style?  My friend Norma cut her niece Alexsis' hair yesterday.  "She wanted it shorter but her dad said no".  Alex is 12/13?  My friend Christine (same one) asked me why I allowed Nicole to get her hair cut so short when she was 4.    Did I mind that she wanted it short, like her grandmothers or maybe the boys she played with?  I suppose I did. She had beautiful blond hair like corn silk but she didn't want me combing or styling it and I wasn't much on hairdressing myself, so in the scheme of things, it didn't matter.  How about the little girls that want their hair to look like glamor queens?  Is that ok?  What do you think?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

He had something called sleeping sickness and they were at the hospital a lot with him.  I remember how upset they were because the medicine wasn’t helping him, and then he died.  I couldn’t believe he died.  He was a healthy, beautiful 5 year old boy, how could he just die?  But then I remembered.
Kalkaska Michigan


Oil and gas, manufacturing, and tourism are important industries in the village and surrounding county.
Fisherman are attracted to Kalkaska by the many lakes and the Boardman, Rapid, and Manistee Rivers. Kalkaska has held the National Trout Festival in the last week of April each year since 1933. There is a giant statue of a brook trout in the town square. New York Times featured author Jim Harrison wrote about the Trout Festival in his book Just Before Dark: Collected Non-fiction, Clark City Press, 1991, ISBN 0-944439-33-0. Who's in for the Trout Festival!?  Sounds like fun!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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