Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30, 2015 Wednesday #ww#mom#turkey#jekabpils

Get Fit  T\here are three ways to follow Weight Watchers:

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29, 2015 Tuesday #relax#thankful#slotcars#fighting#hungarianfurniture!

Get Fit
They told me not to exercise for 24 to 48 hours after giving blood yesterday.  So I did some AM yoga this morning.  Not strenuous is what I heard.

Get Faith
Psalm 13 - Is very short only 6 verses.  The writer calls out to God in frustration and sorrow, and doesn't think God is listening.  In the end they are reminded of God's unfailing love.  This was the study for our women's circle last night.  Pastor had us read it from 4 or 5 different interpretations and all sounded different but the meaning was the same.  There are times we feel God has forgotten us but remember the last verse "I will sing the Lord's praise for he has been good to me."  This is most certainly true.

On this day
1990  I took Aaron and Nicole with me to a million stores and ended by taking them to Toys r us and then the slot car place. They had been so agreeable at the post office, Kmart, the Mall, the printer etc.  Aaron loved the slot cars!  He was 13 and Nicole was only 5, she was happy with anything Aaron liked.
1990 - "Millie's Book" by First Lady Barbara Bush was the best-selling non-fiction book in the U.S.   Maybe I will read this.

Kids go through phases of what they like.  For a few years Aaron got slot cars for birthday and Christmas gifts.  We even took his box of cars to Florida to go slot caring there.  It is so important at the time and then it passes and is replaced by new interests.  At 13 you phase out toys and go to bigger interests.  It is so interesting to watch as a parent, and even more to look back on afterwards.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
It seems the biggest part of this heritage is the warring/fighting aspect.  I am going through the Desert Storm stories now.

Isaszeg Hungary  products
Last couple days and we will move on.  Let's look at some possible souvenirs. 

+36 70 336 2412
Budapest, 1123, Hungary
15 miles from Isaszeg
“At ALTAR we populate the living spaces of individuals, who WORSHIP themselves enough to indulge in the joyful and elated madness we create.” Our mission is to go to this site and see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28, 2015 Monday #fail#work#fall#homeschool#pubcrawl!

Get Fit
Did some kick boxing this morning, but honestly not for me anymore.  Sometime we just have to be honest with ourselves.  I will pick something else up.

Get Faith
Psalm 126:6 - "Those who go out weeping, carrying seeds to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them."  In short - you may hate going to work but you love your paycheck.  God does bless our work whatever we do.  It is a privilege, I believe.

On this day:
1987 - I raked leaves.  Every year is different, this year I don't have any leaves yet- none.  Now they just get picked up with the lawn mower.  I loved raking leaves on a crisp fall day, it was invigorating!

1542 - San Diego, CA, was discovered by Portuguese navigator Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Did he name it San Diego?  Was the city already there?  Are they just talking about the general area?

The study writer talks about Thomas Edison and the work he did that benefited all of us.  He was somewhat deaf and apparently kicked out of school because he was "too stupid to learn".  His mother home schooled him.  Good job Mrs. Edison!

Isaszeg Hungary few more days here, lets see what we can find:

Budapest night & strip activities

Guided pub crawl - Price: EUR 10/person (GBP 7)

Budapest guided pub crawl
This guided party tour makes sure you will enter the best clubs in the capital of Hungary. This is a 5 hour long activity full of excitement. We take a tour in the centre of the city, and we tell you which options you can take, because the choice of the style of the places is quite diverse. Rock and roll, hip-hop, or dance music, it is sure that the clubs will meet your expectations, not to mention the big number of attractive Hungarian ladies. This tour includes the guide, a round of FREE BEER and an unforgettable party night. Budapest nights are full of surprises, so do not miss any!

Well this is not what I expected. All I saw was guided pub crawl.  tsk tsk.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 27, 2015 Sunday #nograzeday#discipline#folkmusic

Get Fit
It could be a day off but try not to sit on the couch and graze all day - very counterproductive to all the work you did this past week. 

Get Faith
Proverbs 19:18  "Discipline your children, for in that there is hope;  do not be a willing party to their death."  I read this to say that if you don't teach your child right from wrong and punish for errors early on they could live a life that greatly shortens their life span.  It's just good advice, but often hard to follow. 

On this day
1985 - Nicole was only 4 months old and I had an old oldsmobile at the time, but I decided I had to go up and visit my mom in Gaylord.  I remember going up I had to stop and feed her twice as she was breast fed and barely got up there in that car that was leaking transmission fluid.  We have all seen movies of long hard treks to get home - well this wasn't THAT bad - but you get the idea. On the way home I stopped at Grandma McCarthy's to see her, show her the baby and let the car cool down.  She gifted me with her nice newer Oldsmobile that was sitting in the carport and never driven anymore.  I loved that car.  Aaron dubbed it the brown rocket.

1982 - Italian and French soldiers entered the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps in Beirut. The move was made by the members of a multinational force due to hundreds of Palestinians being massacred by Christian militiamen. This is hard to believe, I wasn't going to repeat it but then I too would be a hypocrite.  Massacred by Christians is not acceptable - not Christian.

I don't recall a lot of disciplining with my kids.  I must have just forgot.  Not to brag, they were good kids and didn't require beating.  I do recall sticking to what I promised and never disagreeing with their father if he was disciplining.  There were also 3 or 4 parents and 5 grandparents involved in Aaron and Nicoles life, plus Aunt and Uncle that all deeply cared for and were involved in their upbringing.  I think they knew what to expect and what they could get away with.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCArthy
maybe today.

Isaszeg Hungary  music
  Hungary has made many contributions to the fields of folk, popular and classical music. Hungarian folk music is a prominent part of the national identity and continues to play a major part in Hungarian music.[1][2] It is also strong in the Szabolcs-Szatmár area and in the southwest part of Transdanubia, near the border with Croatia. The Busójárás carnival in Mohács is a major Hungarian folk music event, formerly featuring the long-established and well-regarded Bogyiszló orchestra.[3]  Listen to some today!
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christian!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 26, 2015 Saturday #sunshine#feedback#Hay!#schnapps

Get Fit
Going to the mall and maybe taking a walk later today.  I really want to soak up all this great weather we are having.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."  This somewhat contradicts Luke 10:21 "At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."  I will let you think of that for a while and take some feedback.

On this day
1982 - I was bored and depressed, mostly from quitting smoking and gaining weight.  I did not make it this time.  After not smoking for 9 months and gaining 10 pounds, I went back.  It finally took getting pregnant and the thought of that smoke and nicotine going through my babies system that gave me the strength to quit - permanently.  I have gained weight, but am healthy and have more money than if I smoked, not sorry I quit.

1908 - In "The Saturday Evening Post" an ad for the Edison Phonograph appeared.  If you read my book you will see that this was a monumental event for me!.

Had a great family evening with Don, Melissa, DJ and their two kids Madison and Cameron.  We attended the Oktoberfest in Redford and went on the hay ride twice!.  Hay!  The second time there were many children that two ladies had brought on and one little 2-3 year old got lost in the hay and bodies, all I could see was his eyes, which looked concerned.  I motioned for him to come and sit with me and he did and began to smile.  It was one of those moments.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
I will maybe lock myself in my room and read - oh no I can't. 

Hungary beverages:
Hungarians love their local spirits, and if you drink even if only socially, chances are you will, too. Wine, beer, and other spirits can be ordered off menus at restaurants and bars or purchased in shops to take back home (or back to your hotel to enjoy in the comfort and silence of your room). When you are in Hungary, look for the following alcoholic beverages:  Don and I ran into a German guy at the Oktoberfest last night - he was here working as an engineer, just for a week, but his father and father in law were both Hungarian.  So we asked him what they drank in Hungary - he mentioned a beer Unicom (spl) and a Peach flavored Schnaps.  What luck running into him.!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kellie and Linsey!

Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25, 201 Friday #yogahips#kindword#femaleboss#Pooh#bigbuilding!

Get Fit
I found a site that had yoga positions for tight hips.  They are, uh, strenuous but seem to help first time attempt, so I will keep trying.  If you have a specific area that needs help look it up on a search and find what you need.

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:23  "A person finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word!"  If you know someone that is having trouble or illness in their life give them a call today.  It helps so much to hear a kind encouraging word and they will feel better too.

On this day
1981  I was dating a guy that lived in Florida.  Chuck came in at least once a month or I flew somewhere to meet him.  We went to the Wishing Well when he came in so he could see the race boat crowd that we hung around with.  It was a great restaurant, good food but now its Hooters.

1981 - Sandra Day O'Connor became the first female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court when she was sworn in as the 102nd justice. She had been nominated the previous July by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. This is much more important than what I did.

The study writer was commenting from a mothers point of view on the above mentioned Bible verse.  She quoted a story and conversation by Pooh.  He was wondering which one of his friends he would go visit and decided on Rabbit because he always had nice things to say.  Think about that.  I love children's books.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Still seeking quiet time to read - I want to finish this book, it is good.

Isaszeg Hungary and surrounding areas
This would be great to visit today - I believe in Budapest.  Looks like it would take all day!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 24, 2015 Thursday #quickie#oldstyle#closeencounters#HolyFather#goulash

Get Fit
Tried the Interactive workout on TV.  Should have loaded the entire workout, this was a quickie.  It was only crunches, push ups, leg presses, squats and bicep curls.  Good if you are in a hurry.

Get Faith
Psalm 121:3  "He will not allow your foot to slip;  He who keeps you will not slumber."  I used to think that God was only there if I summoned him in prayer.  Now I realize he is always there, don't worry he isn't critical - he knows us.

On this day
1980  -- I have always created work for myself.  At Quality I used to make a sales flyer every once in a while.  I had created a address base of retail customers and I would take the flyers home and address them by hand.  Do you remember this Chris?  This was before the technology of computers and multi media.  Much easier today.

On this day in history: September 24

America's first National Monument is declared, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is launched, we say goodbye to Dr. Seuss, and Nirvana hits it big with "Nevermind," all on this day.

The Holy Father - the Pope is in the USA and being well received and loved by many, in person and on TV.  Being a Lutheran does not discount how I feel about his Holy status.  Throughout religious history the Lord has chosen men of faith to tell the world what is the right way to go.  Let's try and pay attention to this one. 

Book club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy 
I will get back to this book, life is busy.

Hungary recipes

Olga Mecking

Share Your Posts  -  Jun 5, 2014
Do you love Hungarian cuisine? Here's a recipe for ghoulash- comfort food at its best.
A goulash recipe for all lovers of Hungarian cuisine  yum!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 23, 2015 Wednesday #fall#prayer#friends#teach#Scots!

Get Fit
Pilates today with resistance band.  I then found a station that has exercise every morning at my time!  Going to try that and see how it works.

Get Faith
Colossians 4:2  "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving."
I imagine it is because I hang out with a lot of Christians that do pray and people that believe and ask for help in prayers that I do pray often.  I have seen many prayers answered and I have experienced the no that happens as well.  I don't believe that God commands everything in our lives, I believe in free will and I believe that most of what haunts us, like cancer, crime and even natural disasters are man made or natural occurrences.  I do believe that God can/will alter the outcome because of prayer, because we ask.  He also helps us to cope with the outcome of disappointment.  Thank God for prayer.

On this day
1978  My friend Linda and I went to Ryan's Roadhouse for dinner.  Is it still there?  It may be but Linda moved to Texas.  She recently told me in a email that she might come home to visit soon.  I can only hope, miss my good ole buddy! 

1838 - Victoria Chaflin Woodhull was born. She became the first female candidate for the U.S. Presidency. didn't know this how about you?

I have had a wonderful opportunity placed in my lap.  Don's daughter asked me to teach her home schooled kids - geography.  Sounds like so much fun to me.  My experience at teaching Sunday School and working with youth at church has left me missing that life with kids.  Look out Cam and Madison here I come!

Book Club    The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Still reading about what great warriors this group has raised like Patton and MacArthur.

Isaszeg Hungary  Here are the hotels we could stay in there:

Hotels in Isaszeg In Isaszeg

  • $33
    Average price per night
    Zöld Sasok Étterem és Panzió, Isaszeg

    Zöld Sasok Étterem és Panzió Parking

    2117 Isaszeg, Alkotmány u. 2/a., Hungary
    9.1 Wonderful
    Score from 47 reviews
    Description Review
  • Hotels near Isaszeg Near Isaszeg

  • Szie Student Hotel, Gödöllő

    Szie Student Hotel Parking

    2103 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1, Hungary
    7 Good
    Score from 67 reviews
    Description Review
  • $38
    Average price per night
    Mater Salvatoris House, Gödöllő

    Mater Salvatoris House Parking

    2100 Gödöllő, Kapucinusok tere 3, Hungary
    6.3 Review score
    Score from 10 reviews
    Description Review
  • $75
    Average price per night
    Hotel Queen Elizabeth, Gödöllő

    Hotel Queen Elizabeth 3-star hotel Parking

    2100 Gödöllő, Dózsa György út 2, Hungary
    7.8 Good
    Score from 80 reviews
  •   Looks nice yes?

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Nathan!

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    September 22, 2015 Tuesday #walk#goodname#goodmemories#goodfood!

    Get Fit

    Turn Your Walk Into a Workout

    Walking is as simple as it gets for exercise. All you need is a good, supportive pair of walking shoes.
    "Just a few extra steps each day is a simple and easy way to take an active role in maintaining a significantly healthier life," says Timothy Gardner, MD, past president of the American Heart Association.

    Get Faith
    Proverbs 10:7  "The name of the righteous is used in blessings, but the name of the wicked will rot."  Think of how when you remember a name it elicits a memory or knowledge.  Einstein, Mother Teresa, JFK, MLK, bring good memories and then Hitler which immediately summons horror and evil.  It seems that Proverbs is warning us to keep our "good name", but the best name is Jesus.  Keep that one.  He loves you.

    On this day
    1975 - I may have mentioned this before but it is a great memory.  I had a two seater Austin Healy at the time that kept Pete pretty busy.  It needed a lot of body work originally and then was in a couple of fender benders.  That is too small a car to have accidents in, let me tell you.  The best place to go for parts was to go see Webster.  He was a wirely black guy that could find anything in the junk yards that you needed.  He came cheap - a bottle of gin and someone to drink with.  Pete and I sat for hours with him in his kitchen listening to his stories, it was a good time.  I brought Squirt for a mixer.

    1862 - U.S. President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It stated that all slaves held within rebel states would be free as of January 1, 1863. And now, we have a black president, but still have race issues.  You can change the law but not the attitudes of people - black or white.

    The study writer said today that giving your child good memories is a good idea.  I agree.  Because I journal my daughter is unfortunately burdened with MANY memories, which I sometime wonder if I have overdone it.  On the other hand, reading my book to Mom lately has put smiles and tears on her face.  I have to edit as I read, but she remembers so much of it for being 93.

    Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    Great book, really enjoying it. 
     Next- The author that wrote The Shack has a new book out that I want to read, about the creation story and Eve.  He is a huge woman activist.  Dad's with daughters :)
    Hungarian cuisine is a combination of simple peasant food that originated many centuries ago when nomadic tribes rode the great plains of Hungary, some new ingredients that arrived with the Italians and Turks in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the elegant, highly developed cuisine which came from the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The result is delicious, often hearty, fare that helps Hungarians withstand long, cold winters. It is also often incredibly indulgent, especially when it comes to pastries, cakes and desserts. Read more My first mother in law was Hungarian! I know how good this food is!

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Heather and Vicki! 

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    September 21, 2015 Monday #internationaldayofpeace#Bible#

    Get Fit
    Go to weight work out plan and you can download a 12 week work out program with weights, free!

    Get Faith
    Psalm 119:15&16  "I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.  I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."  The Bible is the most sold and the most read book in the world - since I don't know when, probably forever.  How could such an old book be such a wealth of knowledge and truths that have spanned so many years?  God knows.  I love to start the day with wisdom that I can trust.

    On this day
     1967 I was dating my future husband Don and went out to his parents house where he lived to see  him.  He was in his dads workshop, working on his bike, I had bought him and asked me to go to the bar where he went after work and pick up his lighter.  It was a typical zippo, but was engraved from his days in the army.  When I got to the Balloon bar, his boss was still there and invited me to have a drink.  I did, because I thought it would be rude to say no.  Then I took Don his lighter.  I wonder if it was some type of test, I guess I passed.  I DO have an active imagination.

    1893 - Frank Duryea took what is believed to be the first gasoline- powered automobile for a test drive. The "horseless carriage" was designed by Frank and Charles Duryea. What?  I didn't know this

    Apparently, if a child is raised in a home that is hospitable, they will create a home of their own in the same manner.  My daughter will keep up the tradition of party-house I imagine.  When she was young we always had a houseful of friends.  We still do. AND we read the Bible.

    Book Club
    I was thrilled yesterday to hear that my friends that I used to share book club with are going to use my book and will have me in for discussion when they meet.  I am so honored.

    Isaszeg Hungary
    Those from Western Europe often still associate Hungary with Eastern Europe and all the connotations that go with it, such as the old communist regime. However, todays Hungary is quite different after giving communism the boot in 1989.
    Today Hungary is a Republic and has a parliamentary democracy and increasingly the Hungarian public are turning to a more nationalist government. This is due in part to war, unemployment and resentment of the ‘West’ and has resulted in the rise of right-wing parties such as Fidesz and the Jobikk Party. The Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is leader of the national conservative party Fidesz as is President János Áder, who assumed office in May 2012 for a 5-year term. It seems all countries jockey around to find what will work best for themselves, much like we are doing in our politics today.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Sunday, September 20, 2015

    September 20, 2015 Sunday #Rest#Jesuslovesyou#diversity#Grace#

    Get Fit
    Rest is an important aspect of getting fit and today is a great day to do that.  I'm reminded that the very faithful Jews walk to temple on the Holy Day so as to not work.  God in his wisdom finds ways to keep his people healthy.

    Get Faith
    James 4:10  "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up."  I'll be going to church shortly, but this is a good start to the day.  No sense  bragging to the Lord - he knows all about you and thinks you are pretty cool in your own way.

    On this day
    2013 - Nicole, Katie, Don and I went to Crystal and Jabar's wedding.  I had never been to a black wedding before and it was a very pleasant experience.  The décor was peachy - I mean really peachy and the food and music were out of this world.  What a great chance to share in diversity and celebrate life and love together!  Happy Anniversary to them today!

    2013 - Apple released the iPhone 5s.  Honest its listed in important history already!

    Nicole brought home a puppet made of newspaper, glue and tape from the National Gathering this summer.  She has had a place on the book shelf until yesterday when I put her on a different shelf around the corner.  She obviously doesn't like it there.  I have picked it up 4 or 5 times off the floor and thought it was the cats fault.  As I walked by today I saw it fly off the shelf and hit the floor out of the corner of my eye - the cat is outside.  I put her back again and gave her a stern talking to.  her name is Grace.

    Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy

    Isaszeg Hungary religion
    Religion in Hungary has been dominated by forms of Christianity for centuries. At the 2011 census[1] 39% of Hungarians were Catholics, 11.6% were Calvinists, 2.2% were Lutherans, around 2% followed other religions, 16.7% were non-religious of which 1.5% were atheists. Other religions practiced in Hungary include Sunni Islam and Judaism.[2]
    In the Eurostat–Eurobarometer poll of 2005, 44% of the Hungarians answered that they believed there is a God, 31% answered they believed there is some sort of spirit or life force, and 19% that they do not believe there is a God, spirit, nor life force.  Maybe Pope Francis will have an influence here, they need a lot of God right now.

    Enoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Christina, Liz and Joann!

    Saturday, September 19, 2015

    September 19, 2015 Saturday #Pilates#first/last#fall#bekind#Patton#linguistics

    Get Fit
    Wobbly - Balance Workshop
    Mariska Breland
    2 hr 45 min (11 Chapters)
    Workshop cost: $69 (CECs) Jul 31, 2015  Pulled this up under Pilates - Strength and balance

    Get Faith
    Matthew 19:30  Jesus said "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first."
    I, personally, don't care where I am in the field - as long you count me with Jesus.

    On this day;
    2012   My plan for the day is to redecorate for fall.  It is what I did on this day in 2012.  Some people I know just shake their heads at me. OCD they say.  I just like to celebrate the seasons and holidays, what about you?  I know some of you are the same way!  C'mon todays the day!

    1876 - Melville R. Bissell patented the carpet sweeper.  We had one of these when I was a kid, it had brushes that picked up the crumbs, etc.

    Went to see my Mom yesterday and my neighbor Al, from across the street came with her sister.  They are 89 and 87.  Al - 89 has Alzheimer's, not real bad, just terrible short term memory loss.  While we sat and chatted Elsie the sister dominated the conversation and cut Al off quite a bit, Al finally just sat there and didn't say anything.  Mom noticed and started talking to Al and I started a conversation with Elsie to keep her from interrupting Al.  Be kind today, it may be you some day.

    Book club  - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    General Patton fell into this category also, what a surprise.

    Isaszeg Hungary - culture
    Linguistic Affiliation. Hungarian belongs to the Ugor branch of the Finno-Ugric language family. Before World War II, German was the most important and frequently used second language. During the socialist period, Russian was mandatory in schools and universities. English has become the most valued second language, particularly for younger people with entrepreneurial ambitions and in academia, the sciences, and various businesses and services.

    Read more:

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Friday, September 18, 2015

    September 18, 2015 Friday #USA!#legs#sabatage#badAmanda#Gypsies

    Get Fit
    Did the Dancers workshop leg exercises this morning.  10 Jumping jacks to start and finish.  lunges, knee raises, hamstring stretches, side lunges - makes the legs feel like they had a work out.

    Get Faith

    Proverbs 27: "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring."  We all know the minute you tell someone how blessed we are and how good we have it the bottom falls out.  I guess this warning is to remind us to be thankful for the present - but certainly don't boast to someone else who might not be having the same luck.

    On this day
    2011 - I was recovering from surgery and missed church and the council meeting that our associate Pastor Jerry resigned at.  He retired to a great life of vacationing and traveling with his delightful wife Sandy and occasionally preaches at local churches so we can still go and hear him.  Times have changed for all walks of life.  We have had a succession of Pastors since then and personally I have liked all of them.

    1759 - The French formally surrendered Quebec to the British. This still doesn't sit well does it?

    The Mom's devotional relates this story about taking their daughter to the first day of pre school:
      From the husband on moms voicemail - Hi, honey.  The good news is that Amanda got through her first day at school.  The bad news is the principal wants to meet with us..  A second message, recorded awhile later, updated the story:  The good news is that the parents of the boy she bit aren't suing.  The bad news is that he had to go to the doctor because of it, and we'll be paying the bill.  Yet a third message, recorded minutes later, added:  The good news is that once we see her teacher, the school will accept Amanda back.  The bad news is that Amanda has decided to drop out.  This is probably after Mom went to work and shared with her co workers "Amanda loved going to her first day of pre school today, I'm so proud of her."   See above faith message.

    Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy 
    Good read, I have some rainy days coming up and hope to finish this book.

    Isaszeg Hungary  background
    Romani people first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th centuries, fleeing from the conquering Turks in the Balkans[Note 1] Their presence in the territory of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary was first recorded in a chapter by Mircea the Old, prince of Wallachia, who held the Fogaras (Făgăraș) region in fief as vassal to the Hungarian Crown between 1390 and 1406.[19][14] The charter makes mention of 17 "tent-dwelling Gypsies" (Ciganus tentoriatos) who were held by a local boyar Costea, lord of Alsó- and Felsővist and of Alsóárpás (now Viștea de Jos, Viștea de Sus and Arpașu de Jos in Romania).[19][14] Next, the financial accounts of the town of Brassó (now Brașov in Romania) recorded a grant of food to "Lord Emaus the Egyptian" and his 120[17] followers in 1416.[14] Since Romani people were often mentioned as either "Egyptians" or "the Pharaoh's People" in this period, Lord Emaus and his people must have been Romani.[17]  Interesting history here.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Adele and Jackie

    Thursday, September 17, 2015

    September 17, 2015 Thursday#hairwalk#talk#niece#Romani

    Get Fit
    Walking up to the hair salon to get my haircut when I finish this.  I have been successfully losing weight for the last two weeks, I am finding it mostly due to less food. darn.

    Get Faith
    Ephesians 4:29  "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."  I need to work on this.  I take it to mean that we should not criticize people, either to their face or behind their back.  It is really tough in this political season.

    On this day
    2010  I went to Merri's for dinner and then Lindsey came over and we drank wine and worked on invitations to Lindsey's bridal shower.  I got home at 1AM, which is late for me, but worth it.  We had a great time.
    1920 - The American Professional Football Association was formed in Canton, OH. It was the precursor to the National Football League (NFL for all the fans of this season.

    Lindsey is not only my niece but my God daughter.  She is a wonderful young women that has achieved a lot more than I think she thought she would.  After clawing her way up the banking ladder and buying a condo, then marrying and buying a big beautiful home with her husband, she has a comfortable life that is missing one thing.  Babies.  I would ask everyone that reads my blog to lift up those strong prayers for this couple to complete the life they have worked so hard for.  Let's pester God to get this done.

    Book Club
    On an old topic.  I received my box of free books on Come Get These Memories of the Sixties yesterday.  I am so excited and loved giving two of my besties, Norma and Pam a book.  They insisted on buying my dinner, but I took it as a celebration of my success.  Accomplishments are better when shared with loved ones.

    Isaszeg Hungary 
    Romani people in Hungary (also known as Hungarian Roma or Romani Hungarians or Mađarski ciganin Sudžum; Hungarian: magyarországi romák or magyar cigányok) are Hungarian citizens of Romani descent. According to the 2011 census, they compose 3.16% of the total population, which alone makes them the largest minority in the country,[12] although various estimations have put the number of Romani people as high as 5–10 percent of the total population.[6][8][13]  I think these are the people referred to as Gypsys.  I will find out.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    September 16, 2015 Wednesday #walk#learn#busy#goodchild#diversity

    Get Fit
    Workout with Jillian, I am trying to walk more this month and am thinking I might go up to Women's Workout because it is paid for by my Blue Cross.  Win/win.

    Get Faith
    Proverbs 6:23 -- "For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light., and correction and instruction are the way to life."  What are you learning?  I think learning is an ongoing pleasure of life, for me I read and the best book everyday, to me, is the Bible - words for the future.

    On this day
    2006 - Nicole had gone back to college so there were no more school activities for me to be involved in - oh wait,  I was still the youth director at church and my circle at church had a mom to mom sale and I still had to cut the lawn and of course spend time with my friends.  Some people are never at rest.  Most of the women I know give up one busy for another.  What about you?

    1400 - Owain Glyndwr was proclaimed Prince of Wales after rebelling against English rule. He was the last Welsh-born Prince of Wales.  This is for you Don.

    Is there a better feeling than knowing your child helped at a charity event, visited the grandmother, or hearing how wonderful your child is from another?  We love to know that we raised a child that will help an elderly person cross the road or go out of their way for someone else, it is affirmation.

    Book Club  The Other Irish - by Karen McCarthy
    I am catching on to this writers form here.  She is covering all the different aspects of life that this group of immigrants has affected.  Still reading about the wars, they were, of course, voracious fighters.  Very interesting.

    Isaszeg Hungary 

    The social environment of education[edit]

    The decline of Hungary's population that started in 1981 has also continued in recent years. According to the 2001 census, the population of Hungary was 10,198,000, about half a million less than the figure of twenty years earlier. By 2005 the population dropped to 10,077,000. The age pyramid of the Hungarian population is among the most irregular ones in Europe. On 1 January 2005, due to the extremely low number of live births in the preceding years the size of the 0-4-year-old population was smaller than the next age groups of five-year increments up to the age group 60-64. There are major differences in the size of the various generations.
    The official language of instruction is Hungarian, but a number of ethnic and national minorities (e.g. German, Romanian, Slovene, Serb and Croatian) have minority educational institutions with their own languages as first or second language of instruction at primary and secondary level of teaching. According to the 2003 survey, the rate of Romani children in the population entering school education in 2008-2009 is expected to be around 15%.[1]    Lots of diversity here. 

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Deb!  Tiffany!

    Tuesday, September 15, 2015

    September 15, 2015 Tuesday #walk!#cheerful#change#fear#history

    Get Fit
    Rushing off to church today to help with a funeral - going to get that walk in later today.

    Get Faith
    Proverbs 17:15  "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones".  Not surprising that sadness often leads to illness.  People who have lost a loved one I have noticed quite often get health problems right after.  We can't keep ourselves joyful all the time, life is not always happy.  If you see someone that is down today - give them a little joy, show some cheer, it may help.

    On this day
    1996 - Your world keeps turning in the same direction and you do the same things and go the same places - on this day Mom and Nicole and I went to church, I taught Sunday School and after we went to Arby's. That was a normal routine for years.   Nicole and I went to Kid R Us and then stopped by my cousin Darryl's.  I have changed churches and never go to Kid r Us anymore and seldom see my cousin Darryl.  Then yesterday learned one of my dear friends Lynn that I taught Sunday School with at that church and lost touch with, except on Facebook, died yesterday morning.  It almost seems like the world stops and starts turning the other way sometime.  She was a great intellect, so  talented, a great Sunday School teacher  and extremely funny.  RIP  Heaven is lucky to have her.

    1853 - Reverend Antoinette Brown Blackwell was ordained becoming first female minister in the United States. Wow  this is great, didn't know it happened so early in our history.

    The writer in the devotional for today talks about the first time driving with her child who just passed drivers training.  You have to have a sense of humor, but it also takes nerves of steel.  I was lucky, Nicole was a great driver - now if she will just not get on her phone while driving I will do a sigh of relief. 

    Book club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    We have arrived at the warring aspect of these immigrants and they are fighters - hence "the fighting Irish".  The Scots also are tough opponents.  In the days of the Revolution - fighting the British was not only necessary but welcome to most of them as they had left their homeland to get away from the Brits and now they were pestering them here.  Not for long.

    Isaszeg Hungary  current events
    Sep. 9, 2015

    Op-Ed article by Noemi Szecsi notes despair of Middle Eastern refugees trapped in Hungary and notes Hungarians themselves have little to offer refugees as their economy and standard of living is lower than many other European countries; reflects on ironic contrast between need of Hungarians of all persuasions to see themselves as historical host of freedom-seekers and current lack of resources and will to perform that role. MORE   Interesting history being made here.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chelsea! 

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    September 14, 2015 Monday #Internationaldayofpeace#thank you God

    Get Fit
    I didn't get my day of rest yesterday.  I did a 5k (which is only 3 miles ) in Dowtown Detroit out of Atwater Brewery.  I don't run, I walked but I made it.  It was a beautiful day on the riverfront.
    'I run for clean water.... And beer! #GrowlerGallop 󾦇' Here we are  before the race!

    Get Faith Psalm 127
    "Behold children are a gift from the Lord"  What would you say in a thank you note to God for the gift of a child, not the day they are born, but the day they turn 18.

    On this day
    1995  My friend Pete's mom died.  I was very close to Tatjiana, they had very little family and as it happens they are all gone now, even Pete.  I feel it necessary to remember them on these days, I might be the only one that remembers their family.

    1995 - Earth, Wind and Fire received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    1995 - Hand written lyrics for "Getting Better" by Paul McCartney sold for $249,000 at a Sotheby's auction.
    Well, its Monday, what did you expect?  No big news yet today.

    Dear God,  thank you for my beautiful daughter.  I couldn't have asked for a better genetic composition than the one you sent me.  She is everything I ever needed in my life and I will thank you everyday for eternity for her.  Sincerely, me.

    Book Club  - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    These descendants apparently settled the Bible Belt and most of the protestant faith in the south and outreaches west.  Quite a feat.  Unfortunately they also gave birth to the hypocritical TV evangelists and money seekers that we deal with today.  The Bible tells us how to determine a disciples worth, they must have missed that chapter.

    Isaszeg Hunagary and other locations
    Following centuries of successive habitation by Celts, Romans, Huns, Slavs, Gepids, and Avars, the foundation of Hungary was laid in the late 9th century by the Hungarian grand prince Árpád in the Honfoglalás ("homeland-conquest"). His great-grandson Stephen I ascended to the throne in 1000 CE, converting the country to a Christian kingdom. By the 12th century, Hungary became a middle power within the Western world, reaching a golden age by the 15th century.[12] Following the Battle of Mohács in 1526 and about 150 years of partial Ottoman occupation (1541–1699), Hungary came under Habsburg rule, and later formed a significant part of the Austro–Hungarian Empire (1867–1918).  A lot of history available on this place and it looks like a good read!

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ray!

    Saturday, September 12, 2015

    September 12, 2015 Saturday #brrr#example#notfunny#play!

    Get Fit
    Waiting for it to warm up - 53? really.  Taking a walk to warm up for tomorrows 5K.  It is only 3.1 miles, no problem.  Still have that cab app on my phone.

    Get Faith
    Matthew 5:16 -Let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  This really explains itself.  Action speaks louder than words.

    On this day
    1992  I began to notice changes - I was 45 and I guess it was time.  If you never saw Menopause the Musical and are a woman or man dealing with this health issue, you should see it (If you are a married man with a wife in this age range - you too are going through menopause, believe me)  The play is comic relief for something that is not very funny.

    1992 - Dr. Mae Carol Jemison became the first African-American woman in space. She was the payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Endeavor. Also onboard were Mission Specialist N. Jan Davis and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Mark C. Lee. They were the first married couple to fly together in space. And, Mamoru Mohri became the first Japanese person to fly into space. This is good news with a lot of possible conversation on the topic available don't you think?

    Parenting (excerpt from God's Little Devotional for Mom's)
    "Seeing things from your child's point of view is one of the most valuable ways to interact with your child!  Periodically get down on the floor and play with your child.  As you do, show by example how to play, how to share, how to interact, how to cooperate or compete in a friendly manner, and how to put away toys or organize a play space.  What you do, your child will do!"  Or they decide that you do such a good job of picking up, they leave it to you, jk.

    Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    Haven't had a lot of reading time lately, but I do want to get back to this book. I like it.

    Isaszeg Hungary  Interesting place, interesting times
    Hungary is a country in Central Europe whose history under this name dates to the Early Middle Ages, when the Pannonian Basin was conquered by the Hungarians (Magyars), a semi-nomadic people who had migrated from Eastern Europe. For the history of the area before this period, see Pannonian basin before Hungary.  This country has seen a lot of turmoil and war and apparently are not done yet. 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Friday, September 11, 2015

    September 11, 2015 Friday #neverforget#stretch#choices#gymnastics#szia

    Get Fit
    Gravity Drop  - Stand with balls of feet on a 3" high block with feet shoulder width apart,  toes straight ahead and heels on the floor.  Stick you chest out.  Feel the stretch in the back of your legs.  Hold this position for 30 seconds.  Repeat 3 times.  Great stretch!

    Get Faith
    Ephesians 5:15,16 -  Be very careful, then, how you live   not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.   I guess we should be better users of our time.  Everyday, gives us an opportunity to sit in front of electronics or do something worthwhile, act or waste time, live or watch others live.  Those are choices for us each day.  I better get moving.

    On this day
    1991 - Nicole started gymnastics.  It was a class at the YMCA and those of you that know Nicole would have thought this would be something she would like.  She wasn't a fan.  Eventually we discovered she liked team sports, maybe because of the competition and the social aspect of it.  She only stuck gymnastics out for the one session. 

    1991 - Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev announced that thousands of troops would be drawn out of Cuba. We know the other history of this day, 911 and Benghazi in 2012.  This Cuba history is important today as well.

    We all would like our kids to excel in what we want, but it is not always how it goes.  I started Nicole in softball when she was 5 and she liked it and was great at it, but in High School, when I (I!) could have kept enjoying the softball, she went to soccer.  It isn't about us, it is about them.  We should encourage them to be what they want.  Unless they make bad choices - then force them. (lol)

    Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    I could sit and read this all day, it is that good, but I have responsibilities. 

    Isaszeg Hungary
    Hungary (Listeni/ˈhʌŋɡəri/; Hungarian: Magyarország [ˈmɒɟɒrorsaːɡ]), formally, until 2012, the Republic of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyar Köztársaság), is a landlocked country in Central Europe.[10] It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Romania to the east, Serbia to the south, Croatia to the southwest, Slovenia to the west, Austria to the northwest, and Ukraine to the northeast. The country's capital and largest city is Budapest. Hungary is a member of the European Union, NATO, the OECD, the Visegrád Group, and the Schengen Area. The official language is Hungarian, which is the most widely spoken non-Indo-European language in Europe.[11]
    tomorrow we can look at some translations on common terms like this .szia hi, hello, bye see-ah This is a little like the Italian "ciao". Or American slang - See Ya!

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Thursday, September 10, 2015

    September 10, 2015 Thursday #reorganizebutkeepgoing#love#cider#Alice#hellfire#

    Get Fit
    Major setback I only have my cd's and sheet workouts available.  Onward, I did my favorite AM yoga to get the day started and will take a walk later.  I almost got 4 miles in yesterday - the neighbor kid put on his rollerblades and went with me, his arms flail and he never stops talking, what fun.

    Get Faith
    1 John 4:10,11  "This is love not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.   Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."  It can be difficult but finding a way to love all people can be a wonderful walk.  Read about their history, their culture, their strengths, their failures - see how they love their children and want them to survive this world  They aren't different from you and I.

    On this day:
    1988  Andy and Alice brought their girls, Merri and Lindsey over, picked up Nicole and I and we went to Ruby Cider Mill.  It is that time of year, bees and cider and doughnuts, gotta love Michigan!

    Parenting - The best thing of all is the time spent with family, whatever you are doing.  Alice has always had a great sense of humor so that every get together was a party.  I think all of our girls have picked up that ability to make humor on any level, thanks to Alice.

    Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
    I wasn't aware of the huge impact that the Scots had on bringing religion to the wild wild west, but then it makes sense in a way.  The early Presbyterians were preaching hell fire and damnation to a bunch of itinerant people that needed structure in their lives.  The church in England had excluded them by basically saying God only selects the Elect few.  Their salvation was pre ordained and the rest were out of luck.  I think some people still believe that.  Not true.

    Isaszeg Hungary
    Pest County (Hungarian pronunciation: [pɛʃt]) is a county (megye) in central Hungary. It covers an area of 6,393.14 square kilometres (2,468.41 sq mi), and has a population of 1,213,090 (2009). It surrounds the national capital Budapest and the majority of the county's population (65.2%/790,995 in 2009) live in the suburbs of Budapest. It shares borders with Slovakia and the Hungarian counties Nógrád, Heves, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Bács-Kiskun, Fejér and Komárom-Esztergom. The River Danube flows through the county. The capital of Pest County is Budapest (administratively separate).

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kevin and Gina!