Monday, September 7, 2015

September 7, 2015 Monday #3mile#goodname#recovery#skeleton

Get Fit
Getting in another walk today, training for my 5k.  My mom's assisted living is 1.5 miles from here so I can walk there, visit and walk home - waalah!  3 mile walk.

Get Faith
Proverbs 22:1  "A good name is more desirable than great riches;  to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."  Ok, I think the best name to be esteemed is God - or Jesus - or Spirit.  I guess they are referring to us being good people who, when mentioned are mentioned in good ways.

On this day
1981 - I flew in from Chicago after and an amazing long weekend of Offshore boat racing and friends.   It is so anti-climatic to return home after 5 or 6 days of huge activity, very much like our recent trip to Scotland.  I am still recovering from that.

1880 - George Ligowsky was granted a patent for his device that threw clay pigeons for trapshooters.   Hey Don is this guy by any chance a relative?

I love this from Gods  Little Devotional Book "The family tree is worth bragging about if it has consistently produced good timber, and not just nuts."  We have all of that in both sides of my family history.  The Scottish side is documented but the German side is only alluded to.  Who do you have in your family - skeleton in the closet?

Book Club
The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy.  not much reading time this weekend, hope to get back to it!  Great read!

Isaszeg Hungary because this place is in the news right now, I'd like to know why, checking history.

Battle of Isaszeg (1849)

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For other battles there, see Battle of Isaszeg (disambiguation).
Battle of Isaszeg
Part of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848
Than Mor Isaszegi csata.jpg
Date6 April 1849
Locationaround Isaszeg and Gödöllő, Kingdom of Hungary
ResultHungarian victory
1848as zaszlo.png Hungarian Revolutionary Army
Flag of Poland.svg Polish volunteers
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg Austrian Empire
Commanders and leaders
1848as zaszlo.png Artúr Görgei
1848as zaszlo.png György Klapka
1848as zaszlo.png János Damjanich
Lajos Aulich
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg Alfred I, Prince of Windisch-Grätz
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg Franz Schlik
Flag of Croatia-Slavonia with CoA.svg Josip Jelačić
47,500 men
198 cannon
55,000 men
214 cannon
The Battle of Isaszeg was a battle in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, fought on 6 April 1849 between the Austrian Empire and Hungarian Revolutionary Army supplemented by Polish volunteers. The Austrians were led by Alfred I, Prince of Windisch-Grätz, while the Hungarians were led by Artúr Görgey. The Hungarians were victorious. The battle was part of the Spring Campaign of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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