Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 2015 Saturday #brrr#example#notfunny#play!

Get Fit
Waiting for it to warm up - 53? really.  Taking a walk to warm up for tomorrows 5K.  It is only 3.1 miles, no problem.  Still have that cab app on my phone.

Get Faith
Matthew 5:16 -Let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  This really explains itself.  Action speaks louder than words.

On this day
1992  I began to notice changes - I was 45 and I guess it was time.  If you never saw Menopause the Musical and are a woman or man dealing with this health issue, you should see it (If you are a married man with a wife in this age range - you too are going through menopause, believe me)  The play is comic relief for something that is not very funny.

1992 - Dr. Mae Carol Jemison became the first African-American woman in space. She was the payload specialist aboard the space shuttle Endeavor. Also onboard were Mission Specialist N. Jan Davis and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Mark C. Lee. They were the first married couple to fly together in space. And, Mamoru Mohri became the first Japanese person to fly into space. This is good news with a lot of possible conversation on the topic available don't you think?

Parenting (excerpt from God's Little Devotional for Mom's)
"Seeing things from your child's point of view is one of the most valuable ways to interact with your child!  Periodically get down on the floor and play with your child.  As you do, show by example how to play, how to share, how to interact, how to cooperate or compete in a friendly manner, and how to put away toys or organize a play space.  What you do, your child will do!"  Or they decide that you do such a good job of picking up, they leave it to you, jk.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Haven't had a lot of reading time lately, but I do want to get back to this book. I like it.

Isaszeg Hungary  Interesting place, interesting times
Hungary is a country in Central Europe whose history under this name dates to the Early Middle Ages, when the Pannonian Basin was conquered by the Hungarians (Magyars), a semi-nomadic people who had migrated from Eastern Europe. For the history of the area before this period, see Pannonian basin before Hungary.  This country has seen a lot of turmoil and war and apparently are not done yet. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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