Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1, 2015 #Move!#Give#prepare#ringydingy#thegoodchild#published!

Get Fit
I'm back from Scotland.  Took a walk this morning as if I hadn't been walking for the last 9 days.  But this was a mission, still looking for our lost kitty that escaped our house.  Hope your exercise program is for a better reason - keep moving!

Get Faith
Luke 6:38 - "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Jesus's own words.  Do you often think, when being generous - of the least amount that you can give and still be considered generous?  I think we all do and that is what this is about.  We may receive the least of that generosity that is available to us.  Something to think about.

On this day
1974 - It was the Memorial Day weekend and 8 of us went to Toronto in a bus size motor home to see Crosby Stills Nash and Young's last concert.  We were a lot of good friends that partied together quite often so we got along pretty well.  It was quite an experience taking the huge vehicle through the Toronto streets and looking for parking when you were not experienced or prepared.

1878 - Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator in the U.S. The company was the Telephone Dispatch Company of Boston. Who remembers Lilly Tomlins character operator?  "One ringy dingy...two....

I will admit that I worried that I had spoiled Nicole by giving her too much.  She likes the good stuff, shoes, clothes, vacations, food etc. so I thought she might end up "me" oriented.  God has blessedly interceded on her behalf - she is kinder and more giving than I am. 

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties by Nancy McCarthy - now available on E-book .

Amsterdam Holland
Just returned on Sunday from here - never got out of the airport.  I will let you know tomorrow where we are headed next.  Loved Scotland - again.!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Paul 

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