Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 10, 2015 Thursday #reorganizebutkeepgoing#love#cider#Alice#hellfire#

Get Fit
Major setback I only have my cd's and sheet workouts available.  Onward, I did my favorite AM yoga to get the day started and will take a walk later.  I almost got 4 miles in yesterday - the neighbor kid put on his rollerblades and went with me, his arms flail and he never stops talking, what fun.

Get Faith
1 John 4:10,11  "This is love not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.   Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."  It can be difficult but finding a way to love all people can be a wonderful walk.  Read about their history, their culture, their strengths, their failures - see how they love their children and want them to survive this world  They aren't different from you and I.

On this day:
1988  Andy and Alice brought their girls, Merri and Lindsey over, picked up Nicole and I and we went to Ruby Cider Mill.  It is that time of year, bees and cider and doughnuts, gotta love Michigan!

Parenting - The best thing of all is the time spent with family, whatever you are doing.  Alice has always had a great sense of humor so that every get together was a party.  I think all of our girls have picked up that ability to make humor on any level, thanks to Alice.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
I wasn't aware of the huge impact that the Scots had on bringing religion to the wild wild west, but then it makes sense in a way.  The early Presbyterians were preaching hell fire and damnation to a bunch of itinerant people that needed structure in their lives.  The church in England had excluded them by basically saying God only selects the Elect few.  Their salvation was pre ordained and the rest were out of luck.  I think some people still believe that.  Not true.

Isaszeg Hungary
Pest County (Hungarian pronunciation: [pɛʃt]) is a county (megye) in central Hungary. It covers an area of 6,393.14 square kilometres (2,468.41 sq mi), and has a population of 1,213,090 (2009). It surrounds the national capital Budapest and the majority of the county's population (65.2%/790,995 in 2009) live in the suburbs of Budapest. It shares borders with Slovakia and the Hungarian counties Nógrád, Heves, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Bács-Kiskun, Fejér and Komárom-Esztergom. The River Danube flows through the county. The capital of Pest County is Budapest (administratively separate).

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kevin and Gina! 

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