Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 15, 2015 Tuesday #walk!#cheerful#change#fear#history

Get Fit
Rushing off to church today to help with a funeral - going to get that walk in later today.

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:15  "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones".  Not surprising that sadness often leads to illness.  People who have lost a loved one I have noticed quite often get health problems right after.  We can't keep ourselves joyful all the time, life is not always happy.  If you see someone that is down today - give them a little joy, show some cheer, it may help.

On this day
1996 - Your world keeps turning in the same direction and you do the same things and go the same places - on this day Mom and Nicole and I went to church, I taught Sunday School and after we went to Arby's. That was a normal routine for years.   Nicole and I went to Kid R Us and then stopped by my cousin Darryl's.  I have changed churches and never go to Kid r Us anymore and seldom see my cousin Darryl.  Then yesterday learned one of my dear friends Lynn that I taught Sunday School with at that church and lost touch with, except on Facebook, died yesterday morning.  It almost seems like the world stops and starts turning the other way sometime.  She was a great intellect, so  talented, a great Sunday School teacher  and extremely funny.  RIP  Heaven is lucky to have her.

1853 - Reverend Antoinette Brown Blackwell was ordained becoming first female minister in the United States. Wow  this is great, didn't know it happened so early in our history.

The writer in the devotional for today talks about the first time driving with her child who just passed drivers training.  You have to have a sense of humor, but it also takes nerves of steel.  I was lucky, Nicole was a great driver - now if she will just not get on her phone while driving I will do a sigh of relief. 

Book club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
We have arrived at the warring aspect of these immigrants and they are fighters - hence "the fighting Irish".  The Scots also are tough opponents.  In the days of the Revolution - fighting the British was not only necessary but welcome to most of them as they had left their homeland to get away from the Brits and now they were pestering them here.  Not for long.

Isaszeg Hungary  current events
Sep. 9, 2015

Op-Ed article by Noemi Szecsi notes despair of Middle Eastern refugees trapped in Hungary and notes Hungarians themselves have little to offer refugees as their economy and standard of living is lower than many other European countries; reflects on ironic contrast between need of Hungarians of all persuasions to see themselves as historical host of freedom-seekers and current lack of resources and will to perform that role. MORE   Interesting history being made here.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chelsea! 

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