Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015 Thursday #abs#act#autos#example#read#Isaszeg

Get Fit
First session of Pilates since getting home.  Nothing like the hundreds to remind you of you abs.

Get Faith
2 Thessalonians 3:9  We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate.    This is one of the reasons I have chosen to more act on my faith than share it, except for this.

On This Day
1967 - Jill, Waynette and I just rode around in the car.  Back in those days the gas was not an issue, our lives centered around drive-in food joints, we didn't have social media.
1967 - The TV game show "What's My Line?" broadcast its final episode. The show aired over 17 years on CBS. I loved this show!

The best example your children will ever have is you.  It could be a good example or a bad example.  A child can choose to follow a parent into a career or pick welfare.  A child can live with obesity or pick good health for themselves.  A child can learn respect for the law or have on going run-ins with the police.  They can fend for themselves or cry for help.  Drugs or clean living.  Choices are something that your children learn from the parents or others in their lives. There are exceptions to his rule also.  What do you think?

Book Club
Hope I can get back to having time to read.  Right now I am so excited to hear back from all of you about how much you are enjoying my book - Come Get These Memories of the Sixties by Nancy McCarthy, out on ebook now and soon in print.  Can't believe I am a published author!.

Isaszeg Hungary!
Isaszeg is a town in Pest county, Budapest metropolitan area, Hungary. It has a population of 10,979 (2007).

Slow start on information.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Grandma and Judy!

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