Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015 Friday #heavy#3children#achievement#babies#ancestry

Get Fit
I didn't feel like it but I did a series of weight lifting this morning.  I always believe it will make me feel more energetic and that is usually correct. 

Get Faith
Psalm 127 4&5 " Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."  It doesn't mention that from the woman's viewpoint, but most women will say that children are the best things in their lives - which doesn't say much about the husband.  Christians need to have or adopt at least 3 children to promote the faith.  Not sure if that matters to you - I chose to teach sunday school to help with that as I only had two.

On This Day
1972  Soren, a friend from Denmark was staying at my house, we took his laundry to the Laundromat and then went to Moms for lunch and a walk to the park.  I wrote that day about getting back to writing and how I loved it.  I have a million started books, but now I actually finished one.  Whew.

1972 - Swimmer Mark Spitz captured his seventh Olympic gold medal in the 400-meter medley relay event at Munich, Germany. Spitz was the first Olympian to win seven gold medals. He got his bucket list done early, huh?  What a hottee he was!

Have to share a quote from God's Little Devotional Book - "Women should not have children after 35,  35 are enough."  When I was young I read a book called Baby Island (I was 8 or so) and decided that I would have at least 20 babies.  Well that didn't work out - but I sure love the ONE I have, and all the rest that I see, even that little one that cried for 8 hours on the way home from Scotland.  Pam and I were weepy just listening to it.  I was 38 when I had Nicole and it wasn't too late!

Book Club- The Other Irish by Karen F. McCarthy
Started this book last night that was given to me by a good friend, Virg.  It is a history of the Scots and Irish and coming to America.  Looks like it will be a great read!  Thanks Virg!

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Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Gordan! 

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