Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015 Monday #internationaldayofpeace#Bible#

Get Fit
Go to weight work out plan and you can download a 12 week work out program with weights, free!

Get Faith
Psalm 119:15&16  "I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.  I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."  The Bible is the most sold and the most read book in the world - since I don't know when, probably forever.  How could such an old book be such a wealth of knowledge and truths that have spanned so many years?  God knows.  I love to start the day with wisdom that I can trust.

On this day
 1967 I was dating my future husband Don and went out to his parents house where he lived to see  him.  He was in his dads workshop, working on his bike, I had bought him and asked me to go to the bar where he went after work and pick up his lighter.  It was a typical zippo, but was engraved from his days in the army.  When I got to the Balloon bar, his boss was still there and invited me to have a drink.  I did, because I thought it would be rude to say no.  Then I took Don his lighter.  I wonder if it was some type of test, I guess I passed.  I DO have an active imagination.

1893 - Frank Duryea took what is believed to be the first gasoline- powered automobile for a test drive. The "horseless carriage" was designed by Frank and Charles Duryea. What?  I didn't know this

Apparently, if a child is raised in a home that is hospitable, they will create a home of their own in the same manner.  My daughter will keep up the tradition of party-house I imagine.  When she was young we always had a houseful of friends.  We still do. AND we read the Bible.

Book Club
I was thrilled yesterday to hear that my friends that I used to share book club with are going to use my book and will have me in for discussion when they meet.  I am so honored.

Isaszeg Hungary
Those from Western Europe often still associate Hungary with Eastern Europe and all the connotations that go with it, such as the old communist regime. However, todays Hungary is quite different after giving communism the boot in 1989.
Today Hungary is a Republic and has a parliamentary democracy and increasingly the Hungarian public are turning to a more nationalist government. This is due in part to war, unemployment and resentment of the ‘West’ and has resulted in the rise of right-wing parties such as Fidesz and the Jobikk Party. The Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is leader of the national conservative party Fidesz as is President János Áder, who assumed office in May 2012 for a 5-year term. It seems all countries jockey around to find what will work best for themselves, much like we are doing in our politics today.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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