Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8, 2015 Tuesday - #walk#decentlove#saved#snakesinachurch#refugees

Get Fit
Running into a lot of road blocks lately that are keeping me from getting back on target with exercise.  This happens occasionally with all of us - just find a way to get back on track asap.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:4  A time to laugh.  I will share this from God's little Devotional for Mom's. 
     Through the years, one of the most popular comic strips about family life was that of "Momma," by Mel Lazarus  Momma was always trying to straighten out her three grown children,.  Of major concern to her was the proper courtship and marriage of her daughter, Mary Lou.
     In one strip, Mary Lou is shown on the front porch saying good night to her boyfriend.  He s whispering sweet nothings in her ear.  Momma is trying to eavesdrop from the window, but can't quite hear what's going on.
     Once Mary Lou is inside the house, Momma asks. "Mary Lou, what did he whisper to you?"  Mary Lou answers, "Ah, just "love stuff" Momma.
     Momma then says, "Decent love stuff can be spoken freely, out loud.... shouted from rooftops." in the final frame of the comic strip Momma's voice crescendos to a climax: "DECENT LOVE STUFF CAN BE EMBROIDERED ON SAMPLERS!" 

On this day
1984 - This is the day I found out with an early pregnancy test that I was pregnant - with Nicole.  Well I didn't know it was Nicole then.  Mark and I went to Greenfield Village and walked around all day and I quit smoking.  Best thing that ever happened to me. puts all the other 'on this day's to shame.

1866 - The first recorded birth of sextuplets took place in Chicago, IL. The parents were James and Jennie Bushnell. Glad this wasn't me.  One is plenty.

I will just refer to above story - as a humorous parenting story.  It somehow is far removed from modern life.

Book club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Reading about how the Presbyterians escaped the Calvinism of the Church of England to come to America and start their own churches, which included offering a glass of rum and snake handling to attract visitors!  Interesting

Isaszeg Hungary - more background in view of recent events.
Large groups of refugees and migrants in Hungary are trying to walk to the Austrian border, after defying official efforts to stop them.
Hungary has announced it will send buses to transport them to the border.
As darkness fell, police advised around 1,000 walkers on the main motorway to Vienna to put on light-coloured clothing so that they could be seen.
Earlier on Friday another group escaped along railway tracks in Bicske, to the west, from a train stopped by police.
European Union states are struggling to agree on how to deal with the crisis.
The Hungarian, Czech, Slovakian and Polish prime ministers have rejected quotas for EU nations.
I'm confused are they trying to keep them in? or help them leave? 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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