Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 5, 2015 Saturday #5K#judge#Ziggy#coonskincap#silo/church

Get Fit
So my niece reminded me that I am doing a 5K with her mother in a couple of weeks and I better get cracken'!  So I started today with a 2 mile walk.  Going to find a 5 mile target (with my car) so I can work up to the five - wish me luck.

Get Faith
1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." Again, do as I say.  I do try to be an example of Christian living in how I worship God and treat everyone I come into contact with.  I don't believe anyone should be looked down on -the person that does that is standing on a very wobbly perch I think.

On this day
1978 - Labor Day weekend was over and I had to go to Royal Oak and pick up my little dog Ziggy.  He was a great, smart little dog, 1/2 Cairn terrier and 1/2 West Highland.  I had bought him for my brother Mark, but he ended up being my dog.  Mom was good enough to keep him on long weekends when we would be out on the boat.  Pets are like kids, you have to be settled to have them - I wasn't.

1774 - The first session of the U.S. Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia. The delegates drafted a declaration of rights and grievances, organized the Continental Association, and elected Peyton Randolph as the first president of the Continental Congress.  Todays congress would never get by the grievances.

Teaching a child to be self confident is a fine line in them not becoming entitled I think.  Maybe the trick is to have them know that they can achieve anything they put their mind to but never think it will be easy or immediate.  It is hard to not make excuses to/for your child when what they want is not available NOW.  What are your views?

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy Not a relative.
This is turning out to be a great historical read - Andrew Jackson, Sam Houston and Davy Crockett like you never knew! 

Isaszeg Hungary


On the top of the cemetery hill stands the old parochial church of the village. It was last rebuilt in gothic style. However, the foundations of the old rotunda is visible north and south of the nave of the church. The recent church was built by the eastern extension (apsis) and by western extension (nave and choir) of the original rotunda. The church has western tower with rectangular lower part and octagonal upper part, as in many Hungarian old churches (for example: Nagymaros, Csurgó, Aracs, Somogyvámos, Szeged - Dömötör tower, Felsőörs)
Rotunda - Öskü, Hungary.  Unusual looking church, but glad to see it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Lisa, Stacy, Gabe and Shawn!

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