Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9, 2015 Wednesday #tapefail#eternal#koolaidhouse#Book!

Get Fit
Got in a 45 minute Pilates workout.  It will be the last one on the video tape as my machine ate two tapes this morning.  The old players aren't playing anymore.  On to the new methods, fortunately a lot of my workouts are on cd's now.  Do not be discouraged !  Keep moving!  Trying to lose 5 lbs that I put on in Scotland, who am I kidding had that 5 lbs plus before the summer, still working on it.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:11  "He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  It is hard to imagine what God is and has done from the forever to the forever, it is beyond human conception.  Imagine a God that sees all the beauty AND all the horror in our world everyday.  I pray sometime for God, that he has to witness the horrific way we treat each other in this world.  Have you seen the people leaving Serbia with their children to escape harm?  the missing people?   Be kind today and accepting.

On this day
 1987 - Nicole was two and I always had a houseful of kids here playing.  My neighbor down the street came by and asked if I could sit her two kids while she was at work, after school.  She could have just told them to come over and hang out here, I wouldn't have noticed the difference.

1987 - Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer aired for the last time on CBS. I don't remember this do you?

My wish is that parents will start raising their children to be kind, accepting, helpful, loving and happy.  Is that too much to ask?  In a perfect world. 

Book Club
I got my first paper book yesterday and after writing it and rereading it a hundred times already, I had to read it again to proof it once more.  There are still mistakes. The happiness I felt when I opened the package and saw that book with my name on it - ranks way up there!  Do you want to write a book?  Start today - do your outline.

Isaszeg Hungary 
A large village with a population of 8,789 8 km south of Gödöllő. Isaszeg is famous for the glorious battle won by the Hungarian Honvéd (= Defence) Force, led by Generals Klapka, Aulich and Damjanich, against the army of Windischgraetz during the Spring Campaign on 6th April, 1849. There is a war memorial and several honvéd graves to commemorate the battle. A monumental series of events lasting for several days will be held on the anniversary of the battle. A wooden headboard was set up to the memory of 23rd October, 1956. Local history collection displayed in the Village Museum. The origin of the local Baroque church, a listed monument, goes back to the 12th century.  Lots of war here.

        Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy birthday Rae Rae!!   

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