Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 6, 2015 Sunday #run#love#UncleHnk#childhood#history#computerfail

Get Fit
My nieces are both out running this morning, getting ready for the next event.  I will be going to the mall to help my friend buy his granddaughter school clothes, so I will get a walk in.  So much for not supporting retail on Sunday. 

Get Faith
Yesterday, I went to a church to see our interim pastor marry his sweetheart.  I love a good love story.  He is from Latvia, lives in Canada and took an interim position in a church near ours.  He met a lovely lady and they fell in love.  Both have grown children who all attended the service.  The new pastor at that church was young and started out by taking a selfie with the couple to post on facebook as he checked in the event!  It was a blended group, over 100 people from both congregations.  It was a truly heart warming wedding.  God's blessings to Krister and Lela as they celebrate their lives together.

On this day
1979 - My Uncle Hank called and told me to come over and see their friend Hilda's old car.  It was maybe from the 30's and completely restored.  They made me go with them, my aunt and uncle and Hilda to dinner and for a drive in that old car.  They were so thrilled to do that and I am so glad I went and have that memory.  They are all gone and I love them still! RIP

"A happy childhood is one of the best gifts that parents have it in their power to bestow."  From God's Little Devotional Books for Mom's.  Ideally, it is a wonderful thing to have your child grow up in a circle of family and friends that enjoy life together.  Ideally, it is a wonderful thing to send or take your child on adventures that enhance their youth and let them dream of who they want to be.  Ideally, it is a wonderful thing to be financially able to provide these things to a child in good health.  Many don't have that opportunity.  Find a way to help those who want the same things that you have given your child - support camp for example.  Living Waters - Stony Lake.

Book Club the Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
I did get a little reading in.  I like how she takes one or more people and follows their heritage back and forward.  You get a great picture of how things effect people in their lives.  You might really want to read this!

Isaszeg Hungary

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christina !

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