Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 17, 2015 Thursday#hairwalk#talk#niece#Romani

Get Fit
Walking up to the hair salon to get my haircut when I finish this.  I have been successfully losing weight for the last two weeks, I am finding it mostly due to less food. darn.

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:29  "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."  I need to work on this.  I take it to mean that we should not criticize people, either to their face or behind their back.  It is really tough in this political season.

On this day
2010  I went to Merri's for dinner and then Lindsey came over and we drank wine and worked on invitations to Lindsey's bridal shower.  I got home at 1AM, which is late for me, but worth it.  We had a great time.
1920 - The American Professional Football Association was formed in Canton, OH. It was the precursor to the National Football League (NFL for all the fans of this season.

Lindsey is not only my niece but my God daughter.  She is a wonderful young women that has achieved a lot more than I think she thought she would.  After clawing her way up the banking ladder and buying a condo, then marrying and buying a big beautiful home with her husband, she has a comfortable life that is missing one thing.  Babies.  I would ask everyone that reads my blog to lift up those strong prayers for this couple to complete the life they have worked so hard for.  Let's pester God to get this done.

Book Club
On an old topic.  I received my box of free books on Come Get These Memories of the Sixties yesterday.  I am so excited and loved giving two of my besties, Norma and Pam a book.  They insisted on buying my dinner, but I took it as a celebration of my success.  Accomplishments are better when shared with loved ones.

Isaszeg Hungary 
Romani people in Hungary (also known as Hungarian Roma or Romani Hungarians or Mađarski ciganin Sudžum; Hungarian: magyarországi romák or magyar cigányok) are Hungarian citizens of Romani descent. According to the 2011 census, they compose 3.16% of the total population, which alone makes them the largest minority in the country,[12] although various estimations have put the number of Romani people as high as 5–10 percent of the total population.[6][8][13]  I think these are the people referred to as Gypsys.  I will find out.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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