Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 26, 2015 Saturday #sunshine#feedback#Hay!#schnapps

Get Fit
Going to the mall and maybe taking a walk later today.  I really want to soak up all this great weather we are having.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."  This somewhat contradicts Luke 10:21 "At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."  I will let you think of that for a while and take some feedback.

On this day
1982 - I was bored and depressed, mostly from quitting smoking and gaining weight.  I did not make it this time.  After not smoking for 9 months and gaining 10 pounds, I went back.  It finally took getting pregnant and the thought of that smoke and nicotine going through my babies system that gave me the strength to quit - permanently.  I have gained weight, but am healthy and have more money than if I smoked, not sorry I quit.

1908 - In "The Saturday Evening Post" an ad for the Edison Phonograph appeared.  If you read my book you will see that this was a monumental event for me!.

Had a great family evening with Don, Melissa, DJ and their two kids Madison and Cameron.  We attended the Oktoberfest in Redford and went on the hay ride twice!.  Hay!  The second time there were many children that two ladies had brought on and one little 2-3 year old got lost in the hay and bodies, all I could see was his eyes, which looked concerned.  I motioned for him to come and sit with me and he did and began to smile.  It was one of those moments.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
I will maybe lock myself in my room and read - oh no I can't. 

Hungary beverages:
Hungarians love their local spirits, and if you drink even if only socially, chances are you will, too. Wine, beer, and other spirits can be ordered off menus at restaurants and bars or purchased in shops to take back home (or back to your hotel to enjoy in the comfort and silence of your room). When you are in Hungary, look for the following alcoholic beverages:  Don and I ran into a German guy at the Oktoberfest last night - he was here working as an engineer, just for a week, but his father and father in law were both Hungarian.  So we asked him what they drank in Hungary - he mentioned a beer Unicom (spl) and a Peach flavored Schnaps.  What luck running into him.!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kellie and Linsey!

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