Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015 Friday #USA!#legs#sabatage#badAmanda#Gypsies

Get Fit
Did the Dancers workshop leg exercises this morning.  10 Jumping jacks to start and finish.  lunges, knee raises, hamstring stretches, side lunges - makes the legs feel like they had a work out.

Get Faith

Proverbs 27: "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring."  We all know the minute you tell someone how blessed we are and how good we have it the bottom falls out.  I guess this warning is to remind us to be thankful for the present - but certainly don't boast to someone else who might not be having the same luck.

On this day
2011 - I was recovering from surgery and missed church and the council meeting that our associate Pastor Jerry resigned at.  He retired to a great life of vacationing and traveling with his delightful wife Sandy and occasionally preaches at local churches so we can still go and hear him.  Times have changed for all walks of life.  We have had a succession of Pastors since then and personally I have liked all of them.

1759 - The French formally surrendered Quebec to the British. This still doesn't sit well does it?

The Mom's devotional relates this story about taking their daughter to the first day of pre school:
  From the husband on moms voicemail - Hi, honey.  The good news is that Amanda got through her first day at school.  The bad news is the principal wants to meet with us..  A second message, recorded awhile later, updated the story:  The good news is that the parents of the boy she bit aren't suing.  The bad news is that he had to go to the doctor because of it, and we'll be paying the bill.  Yet a third message, recorded minutes later, added:  The good news is that once we see her teacher, the school will accept Amanda back.  The bad news is that Amanda has decided to drop out.  This is probably after Mom went to work and shared with her co workers "Amanda loved going to her first day of pre school today, I'm so proud of her."   See above faith message.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy 
Good read, I have some rainy days coming up and hope to finish this book.

Isaszeg Hungary  background
Romani people first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th centuries, fleeing from the conquering Turks in the Balkans[Note 1] Their presence in the territory of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary was first recorded in a chapter by Mircea the Old, prince of Wallachia, who held the Fogaras (Făgăraș) region in fief as vassal to the Hungarian Crown between 1390 and 1406.[19][14] The charter makes mention of 17 "tent-dwelling Gypsies" (Ciganus tentoriatos) who were held by a local boyar Costea, lord of Alsó- and Felsővist and of Alsóárpás (now Viștea de Jos, Viștea de Sus and Arpașu de Jos in Romania).[19][14] Next, the financial accounts of the town of Brassó (now Brașov in Romania) recorded a grant of food to "Lord Emaus the Egyptian" and his 120[17] followers in 1416.[14] Since Romani people were often mentioned as either "Egyptians" or "the Pharaoh's People" in this period, Lord Emaus and his people must have been Romani.[17]  Interesting history here.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Adele and Jackie

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