Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16, 2015 Wednesday #walk#learn#busy#goodchild#diversity

Get Fit
Workout with Jillian, I am trying to walk more this month and am thinking I might go up to Women's Workout because it is paid for by my Blue Cross.  Win/win.

Get Faith
Proverbs 6:23 -- "For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light., and correction and instruction are the way to life."  What are you learning?  I think learning is an ongoing pleasure of life, for me I read and the best book everyday, to me, is the Bible - words for the future.

On this day
2006 - Nicole had gone back to college so there were no more school activities for me to be involved in - oh wait,  I was still the youth director at church and my circle at church had a mom to mom sale and I still had to cut the lawn and of course spend time with my friends.  Some people are never at rest.  Most of the women I know give up one busy for another.  What about you?

1400 - Owain Glyndwr was proclaimed Prince of Wales after rebelling against English rule. He was the last Welsh-born Prince of Wales.  This is for you Don.

Is there a better feeling than knowing your child helped at a charity event, visited the grandmother, or hearing how wonderful your child is from another?  We love to know that we raised a child that will help an elderly person cross the road or go out of their way for someone else, it is affirmation.

Book Club  The Other Irish - by Karen McCarthy
I am catching on to this writers form here.  She is covering all the different aspects of life that this group of immigrants has affected.  Still reading about the wars, they were, of course, voracious fighters.  Very interesting.

Isaszeg Hungary 

The social environment of education[edit]

The decline of Hungary's population that started in 1981 has also continued in recent years. According to the 2001 census, the population of Hungary was 10,198,000, about half a million less than the figure of twenty years earlier. By 2005 the population dropped to 10,077,000. The age pyramid of the Hungarian population is among the most irregular ones in Europe. On 1 January 2005, due to the extremely low number of live births in the preceding years the size of the 0-4-year-old population was smaller than the next age groups of five-year increments up to the age group 60-64. There are major differences in the size of the various generations.
The official language of instruction is Hungarian, but a number of ethnic and national minorities (e.g. German, Romanian, Slovene, Serb and Croatian) have minority educational institutions with their own languages as first or second language of instruction at primary and secondary level of teaching. According to the 2003 survey, the rate of Romani children in the population entering school education in 2008-2009 is expected to be around 15%.[1]    Lots of diversity here. 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Deb!  Tiffany!

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