Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31, 2016 Tuesday #yoga#Godmademothers#carriagehouse#Townball?#love#RioGrande

Get Fit
AM yoga for me today - but you get something in to start your week on the right track.  The holiday is over - get moving.

Get Faith
Proverbs 31;21  "She has no fear of winter for her household, for she has made warm clothes for all of them."  Mothers are made from God's heart, they think of their loved ones first and foremost.  Just as God has prepared this beautiful earth with all it supports in life, so does a mother prepare a home and support for her children and loved ones.

On this day
1975 -  I was still living in Birmingham and my boyfriend. Pete,  was in St Clair Shores.  Being the start of the season we spent most of our time on his 31' Sport Fisherman boat or at his carriage house apartment on the end of 9 Mile.  The boat was an old wooden Chris Craft that rode the water beautifully, I loved that boat.  Up on the fly bridge, on a sunny day zooming across the lake is a distant dream that I conger up this time of the year.  The carriage house I would rather forget.

1859 - The Philadelphia Athletics were formally organized to play the game of Town Ball. This would be interesting to look into, baseball? or what?

The study writer explained - "A sweater is a garment worn by a child when his mother feels chilly."
I tried to look at the kids for who they were and not what I wanted.  Aaron was a more cerebral child but loved to play sports.  He was more gifted  at organizing the play and leading than he was at the actual physical game.  Nicole on the other hand (maybe because she had a big brother that encouraged her) was great at everything she played.  I tried everything with her though.  As a tiny infant (2 months) I took her to swim lessons.  At 2 I took her to ice skating lessons.  At 4 she was enrolled in tumbling or gymnastics.  None of those were her strong suit.  She was great a team sports player, she is a team player still, and Aaron is a great leader and example setter.  They are who they have been all of their lives.  I thank God for them both.

From Quebec to Puerto Rico
Have a great trip!  I hope it is a direct flight.
Puerto Rico tourist visa is not required for citizens of Canada.
Sounds good! What else do I need to know while planning a trip to Puerto Rico?

  • First, check the current validity of your passport.

    All travelers will need a passport valid for at least 90 days following your departure date from Puerto Rico. However, we strongly recommend traveling with 6 months validity on your passport at all times. Citizens of Canada can refer to www.passport.gc.ca for forms and instructions for new passport applications and Canadian passport renewals.
  • Second, make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.

    Most destinations, including Puerto Rico, require that you have adequate unused pages in your passport, allowing for any necessary stamps upon arrival and departure. We recommend that you have at least two free pages in Visas section of your passport before any international travel. Canadian citizens cannot add extra passport pages to their passports. Please refer to www.passport.gc.ca for forms and instructions for Canadian passport renewals.
  • Finally, confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.

    Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Puerto Rico. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country.

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  
  • Monday, May 30, 2016

    May 30, 2016 Monday #Memorial Day! #Patriotism!

    Get Fit
    Try a boot camp workout!  Get yourself combat ready for a great summer!

    Get Faith
    2 Timothy 2:3  "Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus."  Most of us, those I know do not endure a lot of hardship - maybe stress and heavy traffic but not life threatening or faith threatening endurances.  There are people in this world that do though - and have since time began.  There is that saying that only two people will lay down there life for another person, the American Soldier and Jesus Christ.  Stand up for freedom and thank a veteran for yours. And thank God for both.

    On this day
    1974 - Was a Friday, Waynette and I lived in my house in Birmingham and being young single women went out on the town to the Bistro on Maple.  I wonder if it is still there?

    1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19. She was a soldier for Jesus!

    We thank God for our Veterans and the Veterans for their service.  We should also thank all the millions of mothers and wives that watched their men, and now daughters go off to war, never to return or to return changed for the rest of their lives.  Those mothers tears would fill an ocean I believe.  Sacrifices are made for our freedom to believe in our way of life and our faith, and we owe a debt of gratitude for that!

    Quebec City Canada to Rio Grande Puerto Rico!
    We are leaving Canada and flying south to Puerto Rico.  Have fun!

    Enjoy the day  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Elizabeth!!

    Sunday, May 29, 2016

    May 29, 2016 Sunday #kayak#educate!#Moms!#coffin?#kayaking!#safecity!

    Get Fit
      Try this!  fresh air and sunshine with your exercise!

    Get Faith
    James 1:5  "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."  I don't think this is a bachelor degree type of thing so don't get too excited, but, maybe the desire and courage to go after the knowledge you need.

    On this day
    1968 - My fiance Don went on a stag ride so my friend Lana and I went to the Drifter Motor Cycle club.  She was interested in a guy there.  When we got there her Mom was there.  No she was probably not checking on Lana, she was pretty much a partier herself.   I should forward this to Lana, I don't think she reads this but would love the memory. I think.  Oh the sixties!

    1827 - The first nautical school opened in Nantucket, MA, under the name Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin’s Lancasterian School. Seems a bad omen to learn water safety from a guy with that last name.


    Take it from my daughter and her friend Craig!  Go kayaking!

    Quebec City

    Public transport[edit]

    The Réseau de transport de la Capitale is responsible for public transport in the region. The RTC operates a fleet of buses and has recently implemented articulated buses. The RTC is studying the return of a tram and light rail system to help ease overcrowding on its busiest lines as well as attract new users to public transit. The two billion dollar revitalization project needs approval from higher levels of government since the city does not have the financial resources to fund such an ambitious project on its own.
    Quebec City's main train station,Gare du Palais
    Rail transport is operated by VIA Rail at the Gare du Palais ('Palace Station'). The station is the eastern terminus of the railway's main Quebec City-Windsor Corridor. An inter-city bus station, with connections to the provincial long-distance bus network, is adjacent to the train station, and hosts, amongst others, the services of Greyhound Canada and Orleans Express.

    Air and sea[edit]

    Quebec City is served by Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB), located at the city's western edge. The city also has a major port on the St-Lawrence in the first, fifth and sixth boroughs.[51]

    Public safety[edit]

    Quebec City is protected by Service de police de la Ville de Québec and Service de protection contre les incendies de Québec. Quebec City has one of the lowest crime rates in Canada. The city reported no murders in 2007, a streak that stretched back to 31 October 2006.[52]  THis is a great city and check out the safety record!  Getting ready to move - I will let
     you know where!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Friday, May 27, 2016

    May 276, 2016 Friday #eathealthy#listen#friends#Alice#duh#Quebec!

    Get Fit
    What you eat matters!  Negative Calories Foods: The More You Eat, The More Weight You Lose - Healthy Lifestyle Base http://healthylifestylebase.com/negative-calories-foods-eat-weight-lose/

    Get Faith
    Proverbs 1:5  A wise man will hear, and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels."  I read this as shut up and listen you might learn something.

    On this day
    2015 - Last year.  I have a group of friends that I refer to as the travelers, the people that do the on-line traveling with me.  Last year Amy had back surgery and needed time to recoup before going home to her house where all the bedrooms are upstairs.  So, she came here, I loved it.  All of her family and our friends were in and out to support and help.  What a great group.

    1647 - Alse Young (Achsah Young or Alice Young), a resident of Windsor, CT, was executed for being a "witch." It was the first recorded American execution of a "witch." All the young girls love Alice"  remember this guy?  how could you forget!?

    Working with young (18) people in an office is a wake up call for me and a good reason why I should stay retired.  My gripe today is the banks.  Why do they call charge cards, credit cards? when it is not a credit, it is something you pay and a debit card is not an asset but money they take directly out of your account.  Do you see what they have done here?  The dumbing down of America - by the banks. Kids today have no knowledge of basic bookkeeping skills.  Scary, but them I'm old.

    Quebec City
    Getting down to the end here, what a beautiful city!


    Université Laval (Laval University) is located in the western end of the city, in the borough of Sainte-Foy. However, the school of architecture of Université Laval is located in Old Quebec. The main campus of theUniversité du Québec system is also located in Quebec City, including its specialized schools École nationale d'administration publiqueInstitut national de la recherche scientifique, and Télé-université (TELUQ), the distance learning component of the 'Université du Québec' network.
    Numerous CEGEPs are located in Quebec city, including Collège François-Xavier-Garneau, Cégep O'Sullivan, Cégep LimoilouCégep de Sainte-Foy and Champlain College St. Lawrence, as well as private institutions such as Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy, Collège Mérici, Collège Bart, Collège CDI and Collège Multihexa.
    Quebec City has the oldest educational institution for women in North America, the Ursulines of Quebec monastery, located at 12 Rue Donnacona.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Claire, Pierre and Brandon!  

    Thursday, May 26, 2016

    May 26, 2016 Thursday #yoga#righteous#parade#Germanicus#lovetheparade!MayorLabeaume

    Get Fit
    Holy frack, that felt good. What are your favorite back/arm stretches? I'm doing a yoga 30-Day Challenge on YouTube- Yoga with Adriene. 
      Try this to stretch your arms for better mobility.

    Get Faith
    James 5:16  "The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results."  I know a man at church that I believe fits this description and so I asked him to pray for a young man, 22, that has stage 4 cancer.  I believe in miracles.  Many of us pray for the same thing, but someone like John is like a game changer to me.

    On this day
    2013 - My friends Ty and Norma brought their niece, Alexsis over to go to the parade.  It was a great day and the parade was wonderful.  The funny thing was that it was Norma's and Alexsis's first parade ever, and Norma was the most excited!

    0017 - Germanicus of Rome celebrated his victory over the Germans. Funny, what was named after what here?

    Our city parade here is great with alot of local people, floats, boats and bands.  I have taken my kids many years but of course they have their own things going on now, but I will probably go after I get out of work.

    Quebec City


    Parliament Building, Quebec City
    The current mayor of Quebec City is Régis Labeaume. He was first elected in a special election on 2 December 2007, following the death in office of Andrée Boucher, and was subsequently re-elected in the municipal elections of 2009 and 2013. Jacques Joli-Coeur of the Renouveau municipal de Québec party served as interim mayor between Boucher's death and the by-election.
    Quebec City is the seat of the judicial district of Québec, one of the province's 36 judicial districts.[50]
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    May 25, 2016 Wednesday #ballet#2008kegger#Phoenix#sleepover#Quebecbaseball!

    Get Fit
    Try a little ballet for balance and strength!

    Get Faith
    Proverbs 17:1  "Better a dry crust with peace and Quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife."  The study writer added "A house without love may be a castle, or a palace, but it is not a home: love is the life of a true home."   If you have a big home so that you can have your own space, you are probably avoiding the things (like family) that should give you the most happiness.

    On this day
    2008 - It was the day after the annual kegger and Mom and I had spent the night at Al's across the street.  There were still a few bodies when we got home so I ran up and got some bagels and then took Mom to the St Clair Shores parade and over to my cousin Darrels for a BBQ after.  When I got home my neighbor Ty came over and helped me get rid of some of the leftover keg.

    2008 - NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander landed in the arctic plains of Mars. 

    Mom didn't like going to the neighbor's for a sleepover because we were having a party so I had to go also to make her feel like it was a good idea for both of us to be able to get some sleep.  It is kind of a turn around on taking the kids to the grandparents so you can entertain friends, but in reverse.  Have you experienced this?  

    Quebec City
    The city has a professional baseball team called the Capitales de Québec which plays in the Canadian American Association of Professional Baseball. The team was established in 1999, and originally played in the Northern League. The team has six league titles, won in 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The team's stadium is the Stade Municipal.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Henry and Lloyd jr.!

    Tuesday, May 24, 2016

    May 24, 2016 Tuesday #Jillian#pray#Nicole#failure#culture

    Get Fit
    Jillian can really work you out - nice warm up then circuit training with weights.

    Get Faith
    Psalm 55:17  "Evening, and morning, and at noon,  will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice."  I pray when asked for loved ones of people that I don't know, I pray when I hear a siren going down the road, I say my prayers at bedtime and mealtimes, I thank God for wonderful, beautiful things and people that I love.  Whenever I think of it - I pray.  Constant connection to God, communication with Him is a blessing. The writer says "Daily prayers will diminish your cares."

    On this day
    2007  It was Nicole's 22nd birthday, the house was torn apart because she had moved home from college and into the smaller bedroom, so we bought a loft bed for her that allowed her more room. We still had a get together for her birthday, with just really close friends that ignored the mess in the house.

    I didn't get in the habit of saying prayers at night with the kids.  Maybe because we were always so busy they fell asleep on their feet before they got to bed and I was too tired.  I hope they both say their bedtime prayers, and that Aaron says them with his kids.

    Quebec City


    Ice castle during the carnival
    Quebec City is known for its Winter Carnival, its summer music festival and for its Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations.
    Tourist attractions located near Quebec City include Montmorency Falls, the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, the Mont-Sainte-Anne ski resort, and the Ice Hotel.
    Jardin zoologique du Québec, reopened in 2002 after two years of restorations but closed in 2006 after a political decision. It featured 750 specimens of 300 different species of animals. The zoo specialized in winged fauna and garden themes, but also presented several species of mammals. While it emphasized the indigenous fauna of Quebec, one of its principal attractions was the Indo-Australian greenhouse, featuring fauna and flora from these areas.
    Parc Aquarium du Québec, reopened in 2002 on a site overlooking the Saint Lawrence River, presents more than 10,000 specimens of mammals, reptiles, fish and other aquatic fauna of North America and the ArcticPolar bears and various species of seals of the Arctic sector and the "Large Ocean", a large basin offering visitors a view from underneath, form part of the principal attractions.
    There are a number of historic sites, art galleries and museums in Quebec City, such as Citadelle of QuebecMusée national des beaux-arts du QuébecUrsulines of Quebec, and Musée de la civilisation.
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicole!

    Monday, May 23, 2016

    May 23, 2016 Monday #Stretch#Joy#leadership#Sold!#Liberty#ChateauFrontenac!

    Get Fit
    Stretch!  You have seen dogs, cats and most animals do it after a long rest.  You should too, and if it feels bad on a muscle - back, shoulder etc.  You should stretch more often.
    http://www.stretching-exercises-guide.com  check it out!

    Get Faith
    Nehemiah 8:10  "....for the joy of the Lord is your strength."  Just knowing that God loves you and that you bring Him joy - should make you feel stronger and more confident.  Who besides God loves you as you are?  Besides your mother?

    On this day
    2006 - I was still the youth director and leader.  Camp offered a Leadership Training Program for high school youth that I thought was invaluable for instilling faith in our youth.  The program suggested one boy and one girl from each church, I wanted to send them all and requested the council to pay the full amount as a show of good faith to our children.  They were very supportive.  The kids that went to that camp had a high rate of young people that stayed in the church and worked for the faith.

    1430 - Joan of Arc was captured by Burgundians. She was then sold to the English. Wasn't a good idea then and is still not.  

    Did you know that Bartholdi designed the statue of Liberty after his mother?  Yep he used her as his model.  A woman, with open arms and a face that invited community and welcome.  

    Quebec City
    Quebec City's skyline is dominated by the massive Château Frontenac Hotel, perched on top of Cap-Diamant. It was designed by architect Bruce Price, as one of a series of "château" style hotels built for the Canadian Pacific Railway company. The railway company sought to encourage luxury tourism and bring wealthy travelers to its trains.
    Terrasse Dufferin boardwalk, with booksellers' tents
    Alongside the Château Frontenac is the Terrasse Dufferin (Dufferin Terrace), a walkway along the edge of the cliff, offering beautiful views of the Saint Lawrence River. The Terrasse Dufferin leads toward the nearby Plains of Abraham, site of the battle in which the British took Quebec from France, and the Citadelle of Quebec, a Canadian Forces installation and the federal vice-regal secondary residence. The Parliament Building, the meeting place of the Parliament of Quebec, is also near the Citadelle.
    Near the Château Frontenac is Notre-Dame de Québec Cathedral, mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Quebec. It is the first church in the New World to be raised to a basilica and is the primatial church of Canada.
    There are 37 National Historic Sites of Canada in Quebec City and its enclaves.[44]  Our place to visit today!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Saturday, May 21, 2016

    May 21, 2016 Saturday #bicycle#one#Worship#croquette#OttoIII#unbelievable#villelaplusbelle#

    Get Fit

    Exercise and healthy living!  Have a better life! Enjoy what ever age you are!

    Get Faith
    Deuteronomy 6;4,5  The first commandment "Thou shall have no other God's before me."  We do love our life here and our families and our stuff.  The important thing is that none of this becomes more important to you than God.  This is a 100 (maybe) year contract, what about the rest of eternity? God wants you to love this dimension, your spouse and your children etc. but He gave it all to you and is the creator of your happiness, never forget that.  God is love.  Honor and worship Him.

    On this day
    2004  Nicole was home from college.  Every year is different with who is available for a BBQ.  This year it was just Nicole's friends - Adam and Janet, Hillary, Danniele, Aunt Jan and a truck driver I worked with Steve.  We played croquette all afternoon and had a great time.  Steve said it was the best time he had in a long time.  I should call and see what he is doing today.

    0996 - Sixteen year old Otto III was crowned the Roman Emperor. He might have been considered old in those days.  What 16 year old do you know that could rule the Roman Empire?

    The study writer shared a story about a woman that had 11 kids and had governed all of them without raising her hand or voice.  Now, wouldn't you just love to know her secret?  It also mentioned that her kids were all in bed on time so she could share devotional time with her husband.  I'm thinking they were sharing a glass of wine and thanking God the kids were all in bed, how about you?

    Quebec City
    Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church, Basse-Ville (Lower Town)
    The Upper Town is linked by the Escalier « casse-cou » (literally "neck-breaking" steps) and the Old Quebec Funicular to the Lower Town, which includes such sites as the ancient Notre-Dame-des-Victoires church, the historic Petit Champlain district, the port, and the Musée de la Civilisation (Museum of Civilization). The Lower Town is filled with original architecture and street designs, dating back to the city's beginnings. Murals and statues are also featured. The Lower Town is also noted for its wide variety of boutiques, many featuring hand-crafted goods.
    Quebec City's downtown is on the lower part of the town. Its epicentre is adjacent to the old town, spanning from the Saint-Roch district, throughout the Saint Sauveur, Saint-Sacrement and Limoilou quarters. Some interpretations consider Quebec's downtown to be the central southern portion of the town ranging from the old city and Saint Roch, all the way west to the Quebec city Bridge. Quebec est la ville la plus belle in Quebec Province

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy E!

    Friday, May 20, 2016

    May 20, 2016 Friday #ww#God'sface#childlabor#violence#averagechild#Quebecarchitecture!

    Get Fit
    http://www.weightwatchers.com/  I have not used their dieting aids but I do like their exercise videos.  Do what you can!

    Get Faith
    Psalm 105:3,4  "...Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.  Seek the Lord, and his strength; seek his face evermore."  People are quick to pray over tragedies and hard times, we pray for strength to get us through tough times, but I don't think too many of us seek his face.  "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  I don't hope to see the Lord's face for obvious reasons, but I have faith that it is a wonder to see.

    On this day
    1999 - Nicole cut the lawn.  enough said.

    1999 - At Heritage High School in Conyers, GA, a 15-year-old student shot and injured six students. He then surrendered to an assistant principal at the school. Why do you think this has became so much more common?  TV, video games, mental health, gun laws, parental failure?  What?

    My own opinion is probably not popular.  I think that we have gone from parents raising their own kids to daycare, preschool, K-12 and babysitters raising children.  I understand the reasons and necessity of this but, I believe it has changed the morality and discipline of the average child.  Any of the other reasons also fall into this reasoning ie: too much unchecked tv programs and video games, lack of sustained love and attention, an excessive amount of exposure to guns and talk about them and over stressed parents trying to cover too much of everything.  I'm about back to a simpler life, but I am 69.  

    Quebec City


    Québec City shore
    Much of the city's most notable architecture is located east of the fortification walls in Vieux-Québec (Old Quebec) and Place Royale. This area has a distinct European feel with its stone buildings and winding streets lined with shops and restaurants. Porte St-Louis and Porte St-Jean are the main gates through the walls from the modern section of downtown; the Kent Gate was a gift to the province from Queen Victoria and the foundation stone was laid by the Queen's daughter, Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne, on 11 June 1879.[43] West of the walls are the Parliament Hill district and the Plains of Abraham.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jen P!

    Thursday, May 19, 2016

    May 19, 2016 Thursday #beachbody#example#mechanics#welfare#Quebecjobs

    Get Fit
    ector1 63 Year Old Grandmother Quits 20 Year Job For Fitnesshttp://blackdoctor.org/489612/63-year-old-grandmother-quits-20-year-job-for-fitness/  Let this be your inspiration for the day!

    Get Faith
    Titus 2:7a  "In everything set them an example by doing what is good."  The study writer says this: "Our children are watching us live, and what we are shouts louder than anything we can say."  Or actions speak louder than words.  Live what you  teach.

    On this day
    1998 - Mom, Nicole and I all had cars.  On this day I switched cars with Mom so I  could take her car to Santo and Tony's for maintenance or repair.  It was right across the street from where I worked and they were a great bunch of guys I could trust.  For 19 years they serviced all of our vehicles.  I wonder how they are staying in business now.

    1998 - In Russia, strikes broke out over unpaid wages. 

    1998 - Bandits stole three of Rome's most important paintings from the National Gallery of Modern Art.   Busy day, and not in a good way.

    There was a family at our last church - a Mom and three kids.  They came asking for food and help with utilities.  I got involved because the kids looked so ragged and insecure.  Everyone at church was reaching out to them.  After a year or so, they were doing much better, but not because they were trying, they had fallen on dependency with the church.  After spending time with them I realized that living on welfare and handouts is an art.  They knew - and she was teaching the children this, how to work the system for the most reward.  I had been taking care of her youngest boy - under five and was surprised at what he could already say about getting help.  This is a way of life for some people and the chain has to be broken with the children learning to be self sustaining.  Her oldest daughter told me she and her boyfriend were expecting and they were excited about getting an aid to dependent children check to help pay the rent.  Watch for this and help out where you can to educate those caught in this web.

    Quebec City


    Most jobs in Quebec City are concentrated in public administration, defence, services, commerce, transport and tourism. As the provincial capital, the city benefits from being a regional administrative and services centre: apropos, the provincial government is the largest employer in the city, employing 27,900 people as of 2007.[39] CHUQ (the local hospital network) is the city's largest institutional employer, with more than 10,000 employees in 2007. In 2008, the unemployment rate in Quebec City was 4.5%,[40] well below provincial and national averages (7.3% and 6.6%, respectively).[41]
    Around 10% of jobs are in manufacturing.[42] Principal products include pulp and paper, processed food, metal/wood items, chemicals, electronics and electrical equipment, and printed materials. The city hosts the headquarters of a variety of prominent companies, including: fashion retailer La Maison Simons, engineering firms BPR and Roche Ltd, Consulting Group; investment fund Cominar; Industrial Alliance, La Capitale, Promutuel, SSQ Financial Group, and Union Canadienne in the insurance sector; BeenoxFrima StudioSarbakan and Ubisoft in the computer games industry; AeternaZentaris and DiagnoCure in pharmaceuticals; Amalgame, Cossette and Vision 7 in marketing and advertising; Institut National d'Optique (INO)EXFO, OptoSecurity in technology not forgetting the Desjardins Group, the area's largest employer in the financial sector.
    The security and defence industries are quite prominent, and have given birth to an industrial pole: Technopôle Defence and Security.
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Elyse!