Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016 Sunday #patience#sleezeball#Nixon?#offshore#tourQuebec!

Get Faith
Proverbs 19:11  "A person's wisdom yields patience;  It is to one's glory to overlook an offense."  The study writer adds; "Remember, when the opportunity arises to be patient with your child, consider how you would want God to respond to you in a similar circumstance."  Good advice I think.

On this day
1987- Mark and I went down to Cape Coral Florida for an offshore boat race.  He spent the day at meetings while Betty and I shopped.  I took time to call Nicole (2 years old) and see how she was enjoying her stay at Grandma Luvy's.  She got on the phone and said "Hi you old sleezeball".  Thank you Aunt Alice.

1970 - U.S. President Nixon appointed America's first two female generals. Does this surprise anyone beside me?

It was nice to go away and feel comfortable leaving your two year old with family.  Nicole loved her grandmas, both of them.  She had a special relationship with Aunt Alice - as you can tell by the comment above.  I wish Nicole had spent more alone time with Alice while growing up, she has such a great heart and over the top sense of humor.  Nicole adore's Alice and sees her as often as possible.

Quebec City sightseeing
Parliament Building of Quebec City

Explore the historic landmarks of Old Town’s UNESCO World Heritage Site, then venture out of the city into the countryside, visiting the church at Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, the impressive chutes at Montmorency Falls, and the village of Sainte-Pétronille on the Ile-d’Orléans.
Immerse yourself in the modern atmosphere and storied past of Quebec City as you tour the architectural landmarks and historic sights of Old Town. Walk across the cobbled Place Royale, admire the towering Château Frontenac hotel, and watch the changing of the guards in front of the fortified ramparts of La Citadelle.
Great way to spend our Sunday!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kevin!

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