Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13, 2016 Friday #strength#ME#friends#MOVE?#motive#politics!

Get Fit
It is important to keep those muscles strong and I try to work out with weights at least once a week.  My neighbor came by the other day, she has two little boys, one about to be two and the other six months.  She is still breast feeding (and she is a skinny little thing) both boys are very chunky and heavy.  I took the little guy out of her arms and held him while we talked.  Now that was a workout, no wonder she is skinny, she carried both of them home, one on each hip.  Or you can just get a set of weights.

Get Faith
1 John 3:18 - "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."  The study writer adds "Children add another dimension to our lives - one that focuses on someone else besides ourselves."  It is true, there is nothing like a child to move us out of the "what about me" syndrome.  I will add though  that I have many childless friends that have learned that through other sources, mostly church.

On this day
1985 - Speaking of above reference, I was expecting Nicole anyday, so my "what about me" days were soon to end.  No less then 9 of my friends called that morning to see if this was the day.  Norma called at least once a day and stopped by almost as much, she was as excited as I was I think.  In hindsight I wish I had shared Nicole more with Norma and Alice especially.  They all would have benefitted.

 1985 - A confrontation between Philadelphia authorities and the radical group MOVE ended as police dropped an explosive onto the group's headquarters. Eleven people died in the fire that resulted. And this happened.  Wow.

Quite often our children open up pathways for us rather then the other way around.  In the study today was a mom who through a blood transfusion infected her child with HIV/Aids and the child died at 4.  She has spent her life working with pediatric organizations to protect infants from  ever having that happen again.  In my life I have always had an openness to the gay community, but since my daughter is gay I now have a much stronger respect for who they are and less tolerance for the haters/or misguided.

Quebec City

The politics of Quebec 

are centred on a provincial government resembling that of the other Canadian provinces, namely a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Thecapital of Quebec is Quebec City, where the Lieutenant GovernorPremier, the legislature, and cabinet reside.
The unicameral legislature — the National Assembly of Quebec — has 125 members. Government is conducted based on the Westminster model.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Evan!

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