Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31, 2016 Tuesday #yoga#Godmademothers#carriagehouse#Townball?#love#RioGrande

Get Fit
AM yoga for me today - but you get something in to start your week on the right track.  The holiday is over - get moving.

Get Faith
Proverbs 31;21  "She has no fear of winter for her household, for she has made warm clothes for all of them."  Mothers are made from God's heart, they think of their loved ones first and foremost.  Just as God has prepared this beautiful earth with all it supports in life, so does a mother prepare a home and support for her children and loved ones.

On this day
1975 -  I was still living in Birmingham and my boyfriend. Pete,  was in St Clair Shores.  Being the start of the season we spent most of our time on his 31' Sport Fisherman boat or at his carriage house apartment on the end of 9 Mile.  The boat was an old wooden Chris Craft that rode the water beautifully, I loved that boat.  Up on the fly bridge, on a sunny day zooming across the lake is a distant dream that I conger up this time of the year.  The carriage house I would rather forget.

1859 - The Philadelphia Athletics were formally organized to play the game of Town Ball. This would be interesting to look into, baseball? or what?

The study writer explained - "A sweater is a garment worn by a child when his mother feels chilly."
I tried to look at the kids for who they were and not what I wanted.  Aaron was a more cerebral child but loved to play sports.  He was more gifted  at organizing the play and leading than he was at the actual physical game.  Nicole on the other hand (maybe because she had a big brother that encouraged her) was great at everything she played.  I tried everything with her though.  As a tiny infant (2 months) I took her to swim lessons.  At 2 I took her to ice skating lessons.  At 4 she was enrolled in tumbling or gymnastics.  None of those were her strong suit.  She was great a team sports player, she is a team player still, and Aaron is a great leader and example setter.  They are who they have been all of their lives.  I thank God for them both.

From Quebec to Puerto Rico
Have a great trip!  I hope it is a direct flight.
Puerto Rico tourist visa is not required for citizens of Canada.
Sounds good! What else do I need to know while planning a trip to Puerto Rico?

  • First, check the current validity of your passport.

    All travelers will need a passport valid for at least 90 days following your departure date from Puerto Rico. However, we strongly recommend traveling with 6 months validity on your passport at all times. Citizens of Canada can refer to www.passport.gc.ca for forms and instructions for new passport applications and Canadian passport renewals.
  • Second, make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.

    Most destinations, including Puerto Rico, require that you have adequate unused pages in your passport, allowing for any necessary stamps upon arrival and departure. We recommend that you have at least two free pages in Visas section of your passport before any international travel. Canadian citizens cannot add extra passport pages to their passports. Please refer to www.passport.gc.ca for forms and instructions for Canadian passport renewals.
  • Finally, confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.

    Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Puerto Rico. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country.

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  
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