Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016 Monday #Memorial Day! #Patriotism!

Get Fit
Try a boot camp workout!  Get yourself combat ready for a great summer!

Get Faith
2 Timothy 2:3  "Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus."  Most of us, those I know do not endure a lot of hardship - maybe stress and heavy traffic but not life threatening or faith threatening endurances.  There are people in this world that do though - and have since time began.  There is that saying that only two people will lay down there life for another person, the American Soldier and Jesus Christ.  Stand up for freedom and thank a veteran for yours. And thank God for both.

On this day
1974 - Was a Friday, Waynette and I lived in my house in Birmingham and being young single women went out on the town to the Bistro on Maple.  I wonder if it is still there?

1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19. She was a soldier for Jesus!

We thank God for our Veterans and the Veterans for their service.  We should also thank all the millions of mothers and wives that watched their men, and now daughters go off to war, never to return or to return changed for the rest of their lives.  Those mothers tears would fill an ocean I believe.  Sacrifices are made for our freedom to believe in our way of life and our faith, and we owe a debt of gratitude for that!

Quebec City Canada to Rio Grande Puerto Rico!
We are leaving Canada and flying south to Puerto Rico.  Have fun!

Enjoy the day  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Elizabeth!!

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