Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11, 2016 Wednesday #Pilates#future#Norma#Istanbul#children#history!

Get Fit
Pilates - you can find a Pilates tutorial on youtube on your computer or classes on TV.  I do Pilates once a week for core strength.  It works.

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 34:4  "Then the Lord said to him, This the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it."  The study writer from God's Little Devotional Book got it right "Every mother is like Moses.  She does not enter the promised land.  She prepares a world she will not see."

On this day
1983 - My friend Ty had moved in and was dating my friend Norma.  He worked late nights and Norma was here a lot of the time.  It was great for me.  On this day we went to Brownies for dinner then came home and she cut my hair.  She was a great hairstylist before she went on to bigger and better things!  Thanks for all the haircuts Norma!

0330 - Constantinople, previously the town of Byzantium, was founded. How can you ever remember these cities if they constantly change the name, now where is Constantinople?  Ok, it is currently Istanbul.

"A son is a son till he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life."  That is the rule which sets me up pretty good with Nicole.  It proved true with Aaron.  And the Bible does say when people marry they should "cleave unto" their spouse.  As a mom I think the greatest thing is that your offspring are in a relationship that is supportive and loving for them, that is what we want them to have.  We raise them to make a life of their own and then mourn their loss, oh well.

Quebec City
Quebec City was the headquarters of many raids against New England during the four French and Indian Wars. In the last war, the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War), Quebec City was captured by the British in 1759 and held until the end of the war in 1763. It was the site of three battles during Seven Years' War - the Battle of Beauport, a French victory (31 July 1759); the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, in which British troops under General James Wolfe defeated the French General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm on 13 September 1759 and shortly thereafter took the city; and the final Battle of Sainte-Foy, a French victory (28 April 1760). France ceded New France, including the city, to Britain in 1763.[19]  A little more history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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