Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23, 2016 Monday #Stretch#Joy#leadership#Sold!#Liberty#ChateauFrontenac!

Get Fit
Stretch!  You have seen dogs, cats and most animals do it after a long rest.  You should too, and if it feels bad on a muscle - back, shoulder etc.  You should stretch more often.  check it out!

Get Faith
Nehemiah 8:10  "....for the joy of the Lord is your strength."  Just knowing that God loves you and that you bring Him joy - should make you feel stronger and more confident.  Who besides God loves you as you are?  Besides your mother?

On this day
2006 - I was still the youth director and leader.  Camp offered a Leadership Training Program for high school youth that I thought was invaluable for instilling faith in our youth.  The program suggested one boy and one girl from each church, I wanted to send them all and requested the council to pay the full amount as a show of good faith to our children.  They were very supportive.  The kids that went to that camp had a high rate of young people that stayed in the church and worked for the faith.

1430 - Joan of Arc was captured by Burgundians. She was then sold to the English. Wasn't a good idea then and is still not.  

Did you know that Bartholdi designed the statue of Liberty after his mother?  Yep he used her as his model.  A woman, with open arms and a face that invited community and welcome.  

Quebec City
Quebec City's skyline is dominated by the massive Château Frontenac Hotel, perched on top of Cap-Diamant. It was designed by architect Bruce Price, as one of a series of "château" style hotels built for the Canadian Pacific Railway company. The railway company sought to encourage luxury tourism and bring wealthy travelers to its trains.
Terrasse Dufferin boardwalk, with booksellers' tents
Alongside the Château Frontenac is the Terrasse Dufferin (Dufferin Terrace), a walkway along the edge of the cliff, offering beautiful views of the Saint Lawrence River. The Terrasse Dufferin leads toward the nearby Plains of Abraham, site of the battle in which the British took Quebec from France, and the Citadelle of Quebec, a Canadian Forces installation and the federal vice-regal secondary residence. The Parliament Building, the meeting place of the Parliament of Quebec, is also near the Citadelle.
Near the Château Frontenac is Notre-Dame de Québec Cathedral, mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Quebec. It is the first church in the New World to be raised to a basilica and is the primatial church of Canada.
There are 37 National Historic Sites of Canada in Quebec City and its enclaves.[44]  Our place to visit today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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