Friday, May 20, 2016

May 20, 2016 Friday #ww#God'sface#childlabor#violence#averagechild#Quebecarchitecture!

Get Fit  I have not used their dieting aids but I do like their exercise videos.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
Psalm 105:3,4  "...Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.  Seek the Lord, and his strength; seek his face evermore."  People are quick to pray over tragedies and hard times, we pray for strength to get us through tough times, but I don't think too many of us seek his face.  "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  I don't hope to see the Lord's face for obvious reasons, but I have faith that it is a wonder to see.

On this day
1999 - Nicole cut the lawn.  enough said.

1999 - At Heritage High School in Conyers, GA, a 15-year-old student shot and injured six students. He then surrendered to an assistant principal at the school. Why do you think this has became so much more common?  TV, video games, mental health, gun laws, parental failure?  What?

My own opinion is probably not popular.  I think that we have gone from parents raising their own kids to daycare, preschool, K-12 and babysitters raising children.  I understand the reasons and necessity of this but, I believe it has changed the morality and discipline of the average child.  Any of the other reasons also fall into this reasoning ie: too much unchecked tv programs and video games, lack of sustained love and attention, an excessive amount of exposure to guns and talk about them and over stressed parents trying to cover too much of everything.  I'm about back to a simpler life, but I am 69.  

Quebec City


Québec City shore
Much of the city's most notable architecture is located east of the fortification walls in Vieux-Québec (Old Quebec) and Place Royale. This area has a distinct European feel with its stone buildings and winding streets lined with shops and restaurants. Porte St-Louis and Porte St-Jean are the main gates through the walls from the modern section of downtown; the Kent Gate was a gift to the province from Queen Victoria and the foundation stone was laid by the Queen's daughter, Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne, on 11 June 1879.[43] West of the walls are the Parliament Hill district and the Plains of Abraham.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jen P!

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