Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016 Thursday #abs#laugh#change#love#A&W#ChateauFrontenac!

Get Fit
Work out those abs today!  Do 10 or 100 situps and get that flat tummy, a six pack AND a strong back!  Do what you can!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 "There is a right time for everything: A time to laugh..."  God knows this life is hard because of the sin we have brought into it.  The stress and hardships are tough on the health and your mood.  And so he created - joy and laughter, the ability to laugh at ourselves and others to make us laugh.  Get your laugh on today!

On this day
1984 - Life had changed considerably.  I married Mark in April and a month later we were settled into a different lifestyle.  Well I was.  He worked 7 days a week at his fathers two businesses but on this day he was working on an old wooden open skiff Cris Craft, the Shoestring.  My friend Betty called to let me know my friend Red came in 3rd in his Chrysler powered Cat in Florida and I cleaned house.  I made dinner for my husband.

1984 - South African prisoner Nelson Mandela saw his wife for the first time in 22 years. I would say something cute here but I remember how poignant that moment was for them.

Speaking of dinner.  My family always sat down to the dinner table and I kept the same habit when Aaron and Nicole were growing up.  The study writer for today reflected on Erma Bombeck's take on the changing dining habits during our time, specifically the "in car dining".  We did go through that period of drive-in restaurants.  Remember?  The tray on the side window, Dad passing out burgers and such to Mom in the front and the kids in the back?  It only lasted as long as it took the chocolate shake to hit the floor or back seat and it stopped.  Well it did in my family.  I was never big on the kids eating in the car but the long trips made it impossible not to.  There are still those people that when you get in the car it smells like a greasy spoon and wrappers are stuffed in the door pockets.  Can you say "Uncle Marty"?  Loved that guy!  Laugh it's good for you.

Quebec City

Old Québec

Visitors to Old Québec soon see why UNESCO designated it a world heritage treasure! You'll love Château Frontenac (the world's most photographed hotel), the centuries-old architecture, and the historic sites.
The friendly atmosphere and affable locals add to the European charm. You'll find horse-drawn carriages, street entertainers, singers, and artists, particularly at Old Québec's own open-air art gallery, Rue du Trésor. High atop Cape Diamond, stroll along the Dufferin Terrace overlooking the St. Lawrence River and the surrounding area. Or come watch the ice making its way down the river in winter. So much to see here! 
Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Let's visit here today!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Michelle, Dan,Stephanie,Tommy and Jenny!  That's a lot of cake!!

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