Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016 Monday #stretch#Pray#love#Quebec!

Get Fit
Stretch out those tired muscles from all the sitting I did all weekend. But!  If you are planning to do some exercising and haven't been moving it is even more important to stretch first.  Talked to someone yesterday that does bike marathons and he is 62.  There is hope for you couch potatoes!

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians 5:17  "Pray without ceasing"  I don't know about you but I am constantly asked to pray for someone, maybe because people know I do that sort of thing.  I have a shirt that says PRAYER the world's best wireless connection.  You might want to increase your internet with God.

On this day
1973 - There was a young man from Norway staying with me through work connections.  He and I stopped for dinner on the way home.  He was having a terrible time because his father wanted him back home in Norway and Soren did not want to go.  His flight home was for two days later.  I felt bad for him but was helpless to help, unless I married him.  I was just upset I missed my yoga class.  So shallow.

1776 - France and Spain agreed to donate arms to American rebels fighting the British.   And yet later we were more aligned with England.  Go figure.

Did you know how your grandparents met and married?  Most of know about our parents stories but beyond that maybe not.  I do know my paternal grandparent were married in Scotland, my grandfather had a daughter from a previous marriage and I wonder if my grandmother married him to help raise her and then had 5 more of their own.  I don't know the particulars.  My maternal grandparents were married in Germany and according to my mother were very much in love.  Many marriages are for convenience, necessity or business, I guess.  How about you?  I love a good love story.

Quebec City
Auberge Saint-AntoineLet's stay here, pricey but hey!

Auberge Saint-Antoine

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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