Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016 Thursday #beachbody#example#mechanics#welfare#Quebecjobs

Get Fit
ector1 63 Year Old Grandmother Quits 20 Year Job For Fitness  Let this be your inspiration for the day!

Get Faith
Titus 2:7a  "In everything set them an example by doing what is good."  The study writer says this: "Our children are watching us live, and what we are shouts louder than anything we can say."  Or actions speak louder than words.  Live what you  teach.

On this day
1998 - Mom, Nicole and I all had cars.  On this day I switched cars with Mom so I  could take her car to Santo and Tony's for maintenance or repair.  It was right across the street from where I worked and they were a great bunch of guys I could trust.  For 19 years they serviced all of our vehicles.  I wonder how they are staying in business now.

1998 - In Russia, strikes broke out over unpaid wages. 

1998 - Bandits stole three of Rome's most important paintings from the National Gallery of Modern Art.   Busy day, and not in a good way.

There was a family at our last church - a Mom and three kids.  They came asking for food and help with utilities.  I got involved because the kids looked so ragged and insecure.  Everyone at church was reaching out to them.  After a year or so, they were doing much better, but not because they were trying, they had fallen on dependency with the church.  After spending time with them I realized that living on welfare and handouts is an art.  They knew - and she was teaching the children this, how to work the system for the most reward.  I had been taking care of her youngest boy - under five and was surprised at what he could already say about getting help.  This is a way of life for some people and the chain has to be broken with the children learning to be self sustaining.  Her oldest daughter told me she and her boyfriend were expecting and they were excited about getting an aid to dependent children check to help pay the rent.  Watch for this and help out where you can to educate those caught in this web.

Quebec City


Most jobs in Quebec City are concentrated in public administration, defence, services, commerce, transport and tourism. As the provincial capital, the city benefits from being a regional administrative and services centre: apropos, the provincial government is the largest employer in the city, employing 27,900 people as of 2007.[39] CHUQ (the local hospital network) is the city's largest institutional employer, with more than 10,000 employees in 2007. In 2008, the unemployment rate in Quebec City was 4.5%,[40] well below provincial and national averages (7.3% and 6.6%, respectively).[41]
Around 10% of jobs are in manufacturing.[42] Principal products include pulp and paper, processed food, metal/wood items, chemicals, electronics and electrical equipment, and printed materials. The city hosts the headquarters of a variety of prominent companies, including: fashion retailer La Maison Simons, engineering firms BPR and Roche Ltd, Consulting Group; investment fund Cominar; Industrial Alliance, La Capitale, Promutuel, SSQ Financial Group, and Union Canadienne in the insurance sector; BeenoxFrima StudioSarbakan and Ubisoft in the computer games industry; AeternaZentaris and DiagnoCure in pharmaceuticals; Amalgame, Cossette and Vision 7 in marketing and advertising; Institut National d'Optique (INO)EXFO, OptoSecurity in technology not forgetting the Desjardins Group, the area's largest employer in the financial sector.
The security and defence industries are quite prominent, and have given birth to an industrial pole: Technopôle Defence and Security.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Elyse!

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