Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 Wednesday weights#laugh#choices#craftwars#babies!#panarama

Get Fit

workoutmotivation   #dedication   #nevergiveup  #mindovermuscle  Do what you can!!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:1,4  "There is a right time for everything:  A time to laugh....." The study write says this - "Children certainly brighten up a home.  Did you ever see a child under 12 turn off an electric light?  

On this day
1997 -  Nicole and Craig went to Sunday School with me but then rollerbladed home instead of going to the church service with me.  She was turning 12 so there was some decision making going on, which must have balanced out right because she is still choosing to go to church most of the time - and everyday all summer at camp.  Good choices.

1302 - The weaver Peter de Coningk led a massacre of the Flemish oligarchs. Was this a fight at a craft store? and over what - oligarchs?  Have to look into this.

Such good news lately!  Lindsey and Scott and their new little sprouting peanut is always on my mind.  Now, my neighbors who moved recently, after wanting a baby for years are days away from getting a baby girl though fostering and then adoption.  They are already considering the quest for the second baby.  My hygienist that cleaned my teeth this morning, told me she is expecting her first grandchild in July!  It is an epidemic ofg the best possible kind!  

Quebec City

Quebec City is located in the Saint Lawrence River valley, on the north bank of the Saint Lawrence River near its meeting with the St. Charles River. The region is low-lying and flat. The river valley has rich, arable soil, which makes this region the most fertile in the province. The Laurentian Mountains lie to the north of the city.
Upper Town lies on the top of Cap-Diamant (Cape Diamond) promontory. A high stone wall surrounds this portion of the city. The Plains of Abraham are located near the edge of the promontory. Lower Town is located at shore level, below Cap-Diamant.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don L!  

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