Saturday, May 14, 2016

May 14, 2016 Saturday #foodmatters#knit#playyard#king#childofGod!#faith!

Get Fit
Start the day with this - vegan breakfast.

15 Vegan Breakfasts To Start Your Day!

Get Faith
Psalm 139:13  "For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother's womb."  I can't help but think of my niece, Lindsey at this time in her life, pregnant with a little life that is so anticipated in love.  The idea that God's hand's are all over this tiny being - shaping and instilling an opportunity to be His child through Scott and Lindsey.  Too much to take in.  I pray God keeps his hands on the small life and brings it to the joy of all the people awaiting it.

On this day
1986 - Babies bring lots of love and lots of work.  On this day Mark and I were preparing to put up fencing around a play area in our yard.  A white picket fence with flower gardens around the outside that was filled with a blue elephant slide, a tiny house and a patio with an umbrella table, oh and a turtle sandbox.  Babies change everything.

1643 - Louis XIV became King of France at age 4 upon the death of his father, Louis XIII. Not all babies acquire this level of competency at such an early age, although my daughter has been a princess since birth.

God and parents create a life, a new soul for God's eternal life and a little bit of heaven here on earth for the rest of us.  Our joy, both God's and ours is to the moon and back.  We share in all the firsts, first tooth, first step, first day at school - I even remember the first poop which was really smelly and thought it was wonderful!   We dote over that child all their life, God from heaven until this life is over and we obtain the eternal life He has promised to His children.  A child of God is forever.

Quebec City religion

Religion in Quebec

This is a delicate and sensitive subject. However, at a web site dedicated to integration of newcomers to Quebec it’s impossible to hush it up.
At the time of New France, it’s religion that shaped Quebec and conditioned the confrontation between French-speaking and English-speaking people.
French Catholics were in perpetual conflict with English and Dutch Protestants. Irish Catholics arrived in 19th century joined French Catholics. Indians, who were opposed to evangelization, became an instrument in a war of power from the outset of murderous conflicts between Catholics and Protestants.  Why can't we live in peace?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kyle

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