Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29, 2016 Sunday #kayak#educate!#Moms!#coffin?#kayaking!#safecity!

Get Fit
  Try this!  fresh air and sunshine with your exercise!

Get Faith
James 1:5  "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."  I don't think this is a bachelor degree type of thing so don't get too excited, but, maybe the desire and courage to go after the knowledge you need.

On this day
1968 - My fiance Don went on a stag ride so my friend Lana and I went to the Drifter Motor Cycle club.  She was interested in a guy there.  When we got there her Mom was there.  No she was probably not checking on Lana, she was pretty much a partier herself.   I should forward this to Lana, I don't think she reads this but would love the memory. I think.  Oh the sixties!

1827 - The first nautical school opened in Nantucket, MA, under the name Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin’s Lancasterian School. Seems a bad omen to learn water safety from a guy with that last name.


Take it from my daughter and her friend Craig!  Go kayaking!

Quebec City

Public transport[edit]

The Réseau de transport de la Capitale is responsible for public transport in the region. The RTC operates a fleet of buses and has recently implemented articulated buses. The RTC is studying the return of a tram and light rail system to help ease overcrowding on its busiest lines as well as attract new users to public transit. The two billion dollar revitalization project needs approval from higher levels of government since the city does not have the financial resources to fund such an ambitious project on its own.
Quebec City's main train station,Gare du Palais
Rail transport is operated by VIA Rail at the Gare du Palais ('Palace Station'). The station is the eastern terminus of the railway's main Quebec City-Windsor Corridor. An inter-city bus station, with connections to the provincial long-distance bus network, is adjacent to the train station, and hosts, amongst others, the services of Greyhound Canada and Orleans Express.

Air and sea[edit]

Quebec City is served by Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB), located at the city's western edge. The city also has a major port on the St-Lawrence in the first, fifth and sixth boroughs.[51]

Public safety[edit]

Quebec City is protected by Service de police de la Ville de Québec and Service de protection contre les incendies de Québec. Quebec City has one of the lowest crime rates in Canada. The city reported no murders in 2007, a streak that stretched back to 31 October 2006.[52]  THis is a great city and check out the safety record!  Getting ready to move - I will let
 you know where!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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