Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6, 2016 Friday #blockConga#happy#listen#war?#attention#waragain!

Get Fit
Dance!  Let's get a Conga line going around the block!  Wouldn't that be fun?  I'm thinking of Lionel Richie tune "All Night Long" !  I lay awake nights thinking of this stuff, but remember if it takes hold I started it! Right?

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:22 - "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"  This study writer uses this verse very often in God's Little Devotional Book for Moms.  She has a good corner on keeping happy in the face of being a mother.  Children can make you happy. Remember the Lord when you remember your joy.

On this day
1977 - I had purchased my third home.  It was an older home that I was warned off of by the smarter men in my family (Andy and Uncle Hank), but my boyfriend Pete really liked it because of the huge attached garage that he could work on his boat parts and cars in.  He liked it so much that when the bank said I had to put a new gas forced air furnace in before they would mortgage it, he said he would do it.  On this day he started the process, and it was a huge process.  That furnace lasted 39 years, until this year when I had to put in a new one.  Not bad. It lasted longer then Pete. RIP

1527 - German troops began sacking Rome, bringing about the end of the Renaissance. This would be like Ohio and Michigan at war.  Thanks to better transportation we can wage war on anyone in the world now, right?  What is wrong with us?

The study writer also added this "If you have tiny children who won't give you their attention, simply place a long-distance telephone call to somebody important, preferably their grandmother.  Your toddlers will immediately climb up on your lap and become all ears."  Yep, kids won't pay attention until they lose your attention.  What do you think?

Quebec City
Bonjour!  A little more history!
Quebec City was the headquarters of many raids against New England during the four French and Indian Wars. In the last war, the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War), Quebec City was captured by the British in 1759 and held until the end of the war in 1763. It was the site of three battles during Seven Years' War - the Battle of Beauport, a French victory (31 July 1759); the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, in which British troops under General James Wolfe defeated the French General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm on 13 September 1759 and shortly thereafter took the city; and the final Battle of Sainte-Foy, a French victory (28 April 1760). France ceded New France, including the city, to Britain in 1763.[19]
At the end of French rule in 1763, forests, villages, fields and pastures surrounded the town of 8,000 inhabitants. The town distinguished itself by its monumental architecture, fortifications, affluent homes of masonry and shacks in the suburbs of Saint-Jean and Saint-Roch. Despite its urbanity and its status as capital, Quebec City remained a small colonial city with close ties to its rural surroundings. Nearby inhabitants traded their farm surpluses and firewood for imported goods from France at the two city markets.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barb W and Erin M!!

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