Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016 Monday #Move!#reward#tools#blessed#QuebecConferencehistory!

Get Fit
Started my week with the Pilates ring.  You might be relaxed after the weekend so you could start out with an all over workout - legs, abs and arms to feel the strength get back into the muscles.  Socializing and dinner parties are fun but you have to stay on target with your workouts too.

Get Faith
Psalm 127:3 "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord;  The fruit of the womb is a reward."  I find it hard to believe that the Lord has gifted me with a child as a reward.  I have not lead a life that merits that great gift.  But that is what you need to know about the Lord.  He doesn't judge you as you judge yourself - he has a larger heart and a better oversight of you than you have.  Thank you God.

On this day
1989 - I was snack Mom at the St Clair Shores Co-op nursery school that Nicole went to.  The Mom's rotated jobs like snack, arts and crafts, clean up, playroom monitor.  I loved it and so did Nicole.  She was always ready to do whatever the day demanded - but she had her favorites, like the tool bench with the hammer and nails and a saw. (yep)  They had to put on goggles and work shirts and the parental guards were right there.  She was 4 years old and already defining her preferences.  She also loved the huge jungle gym they had in one room.  (Can you say high ropes?)

1770 - Marie Antoinette, at age 14, married the future King Louis XVI of France, who was 15. Let's not forget they had a life expectancy of 35, which if you married someone you didn't like, was a blessing.  She had an unhappy ending.

My child was an unexpected gift, that I did not deserve.  God saw an opportunity to bring me home to the church and create a "super" worker for his cause.  I thank God everyday for the gift of my child and for the great work she has done in reaching out to youth and those around her in faith.  And I am sorry she had to endure two synod assemblies in one weekend.  Think of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert.  I love you Nicole and am blessed to be your mother.

Quebec City

20th and 21st centuries[edit]

Port of Quebec City in the early 20th century
Quebec City was struck by the 1925 Charlevoix–Kamouraska earthquake.
During World War II, two conferences were held in Quebec City. The First Quebec Conference was held in 1943 with Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the United States' president at the time), Winston Churchill (the United Kingdom's prime minister), William Lyon Mackenzie King (Canada's prime minister) and T.V. Soong (China's minister of foreign affairs). The Second Quebec Conference was held in 1944, and was attended by Churchill and Roosevelt. They took place in the buildings of the Citadelle and of nearby Château Frontenac. A large part of the D-Day landing plans were made during those meetings.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary 

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