Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25, 2016 Wednesday #ballet#2008kegger#Phoenix#sleepover#Quebecbaseball!

Get Fit
Try a little ballet for balance and strength!

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:1  "Better a dry crust with peace and Quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife."  The study writer added "A house without love may be a castle, or a palace, but it is not a home: love is the life of a true home."   If you have a big home so that you can have your own space, you are probably avoiding the things (like family) that should give you the most happiness.

On this day
2008 - It was the day after the annual kegger and Mom and I had spent the night at Al's across the street.  There were still a few bodies when we got home so I ran up and got some bagels and then took Mom to the St Clair Shores parade and over to my cousin Darrels for a BBQ after.  When I got home my neighbor Ty came over and helped me get rid of some of the leftover keg.

2008 - NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander landed in the arctic plains of Mars. 

Mom didn't like going to the neighbor's for a sleepover because we were having a party so I had to go also to make her feel like it was a good idea for both of us to be able to get some sleep.  It is kind of a turn around on taking the kids to the grandparents so you can entertain friends, but in reverse.  Have you experienced this?  

Quebec City
The city has a professional baseball team called the Capitales de Québec which plays in the Canadian American Association of Professional Baseball. The team was established in 1999, and originally played in the Northern League. The team has six league titles, won in 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The team's stadium is the Stade Municipal.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Henry and Lloyd jr.!

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