Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 17, 2016 Tuesday #foot-elbowpose#Love#naturecenter#SherKhan#timespent#Capitale-Nationale!

Get Fit
  Ok, this isn't me but go to a yoga site and see how to do this! Love yoga!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:7  " (Love).... believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."  When you hear the words "God is Love" why wouldn't you believe all of the above things and everything else that is referenced to love, would be the Creator who invented love?  He loves you!!

On this day
1991 - The co-op nursery school went on a field trip to Belle Isle's nature center.  It was a warm day and I was able to go along and share my 5 year olds experience visiting the outdoors with a bunch of other 4-5 year olds.  It was topped off  by driving out to pick up her big brother Aaron for the weekend, which was probably the better. best part of her day.  Great day, great memory.

1540 - Afghan chief Sher Khan defeated Mongul Emperor Humayun at Kanauj. Hey! Wasn't this guy Sher Khan the guy in Jungle Book?  Wow, I didn't know!

I am so thankful for the 8 years I was able to stay home with Nicole.  I worked part time, one or two days a week, but the time spent with her was the best time of my life.  That says a lot, because if you have read my book, or know me, you know I have lived an exciting life - nothing that compared to going on field trips with my daughter though.  That puts "I loved that concert!" into perspective - nothing compares.  So excited for my niece Lindsey and her hubby Scott looking forward to all of this!

Quebec City


Throughout its over 400 years of existence, which were celebrated around the world, Quebec City has served as a capital. From 1608 to 1627 and 1632 to 1763, it was capital of French Canada and all of New France; from 1763 to 1791, it was the capital of the Province of Quebec; from 1791 to 1841, it was the capital of Lower Canada; from 1852 to 1856 and from 1859 to 1866, it was capital of the Province of Canada; and since 1867, it has been capital of the Province of Quebec. The administrative region in which Quebec City is situated is officially referred to as Capitale-Nationale,[22][23] and the term "national capital" is used to refer to Quebec City itself at provincial level.[24]   A little info!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Suzanne!

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