Friday, May 27, 2016

May 276, 2016 Friday #eathealthy#listen#friends#Alice#duh#Quebec!

Get Fit
What you eat matters!  Negative Calories Foods: The More You Eat, The More Weight You Lose - Healthy Lifestyle Base

Get Faith
Proverbs 1:5  A wise man will hear, and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels."  I read this as shut up and listen you might learn something.

On this day
2015 - Last year.  I have a group of friends that I refer to as the travelers, the people that do the on-line traveling with me.  Last year Amy had back surgery and needed time to recoup before going home to her house where all the bedrooms are upstairs.  So, she came here, I loved it.  All of her family and our friends were in and out to support and help.  What a great group.

1647 - Alse Young (Achsah Young or Alice Young), a resident of Windsor, CT, was executed for being a "witch." It was the first recorded American execution of a "witch." All the young girls love Alice"  remember this guy?  how could you forget!?

Working with young (18) people in an office is a wake up call for me and a good reason why I should stay retired.  My gripe today is the banks.  Why do they call charge cards, credit cards? when it is not a credit, it is something you pay and a debit card is not an asset but money they take directly out of your account.  Do you see what they have done here?  The dumbing down of America - by the banks. Kids today have no knowledge of basic bookkeeping skills.  Scary, but them I'm old.

Quebec City
Getting down to the end here, what a beautiful city!


Université Laval (Laval University) is located in the western end of the city, in the borough of Sainte-Foy. However, the school of architecture of Université Laval is located in Old Quebec. The main campus of theUniversité du Québec system is also located in Quebec City, including its specialized schools École nationale d'administration publiqueInstitut national de la recherche scientifique, and Télé-université (TELUQ), the distance learning component of the 'Université du Québec' network.
Numerous CEGEPs are located in Quebec city, including Collège François-Xavier-Garneau, Cégep O'Sullivan, Cégep LimoilouCégep de Sainte-Foy and Champlain College St. Lawrence, as well as private institutions such as Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy, Collège Mérici, Collège Bart, Collège CDI and Collège Multihexa.
Quebec City has the oldest educational institution for women in North America, the Ursulines of Quebec monastery, located at 12 Rue Donnacona.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Claire, Pierre and Brandon!  

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