Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24, 2016 Tuesday #Jillian#pray#Nicole#failure#culture

Get Fit
Jillian can really work you out - nice warm up then circuit training with weights.

Get Faith
Psalm 55:17  "Evening, and morning, and at noon,  will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice."  I pray when asked for loved ones of people that I don't know, I pray when I hear a siren going down the road, I say my prayers at bedtime and mealtimes, I thank God for wonderful, beautiful things and people that I love.  Whenever I think of it - I pray.  Constant connection to God, communication with Him is a blessing. The writer says "Daily prayers will diminish your cares."

On this day
2007  It was Nicole's 22nd birthday, the house was torn apart because she had moved home from college and into the smaller bedroom, so we bought a loft bed for her that allowed her more room. We still had a get together for her birthday, with just really close friends that ignored the mess in the house.

I didn't get in the habit of saying prayers at night with the kids.  Maybe because we were always so busy they fell asleep on their feet before they got to bed and I was too tired.  I hope they both say their bedtime prayers, and that Aaron says them with his kids.

Quebec City


Ice castle during the carnival
Quebec City is known for its Winter Carnival, its summer music festival and for its Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations.
Tourist attractions located near Quebec City include Montmorency Falls, the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, the Mont-Sainte-Anne ski resort, and the Ice Hotel.
Jardin zoologique du Québec, reopened in 2002 after two years of restorations but closed in 2006 after a political decision. It featured 750 specimens of 300 different species of animals. The zoo specialized in winged fauna and garden themes, but also presented several species of mammals. While it emphasized the indigenous fauna of Quebec, one of its principal attractions was the Indo-Australian greenhouse, featuring fauna and flora from these areas.
Parc Aquarium du Québec, reopened in 2002 on a site overlooking the Saint Lawrence River, presents more than 10,000 specimens of mammals, reptiles, fish and other aquatic fauna of North America and the ArcticPolar bears and various species of seals of the Arctic sector and the "Large Ocean", a large basin offering visitors a view from underneath, form part of the principal attractions.
There are a number of historic sites, art galleries and museums in Quebec City, such as Citadelle of QuebecMusée national des beaux-arts du QuébecUrsulines of Quebec, and Musée de la civilisation.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicole!

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