Monday, July 31, 2017

July 31, 2017 Monday #

Get Fit
If you are always busy, like myself - you may think that you don't need to exercise because you are active. Believe me the exercise is what will keep you active and able to stay busy!

Get Faith
Psalm 119;176  "I have strayed like a lost sheep.  Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands."  This is about me, and maybe you as well.  I am easily led astray, but I can't blame it on anyone else - easily is the key word here.  The good news is our Shepherd is always close, always calling us back into the fold where it is safe and you are loved.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

July 30, 2017 Sunday #trust Him#bestyearever#discoveries!#byetoMarshallIslands!

Get Faith 
Psalm 91:2  " I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust.""
the study writer tells of a group that were headed to an event and got lost.  By the time they realized their mistake it was too late to find the location and so headed home.  A huge rock slide had happened where they were going and so they had avoided possible problems.  I believe that God does move trees, create showers and alter plans in our best interests.  It might be the only thing that has kept many of us alive.  Thank you God for looking out for us.  Let us remember to accomplish something in God's honor in appreciation.  Trust in the Lord.

On this day
1985 - My favorite year - Nicole was born in May and all of my journal entries include -"fed Nicole, Nicole slept 1 1/2 hours, fed Nicole, etc",   I had the neighbor girl Carol come over and stay with Nicole for 1/2 an hour while I ran out and did some errands.  I opened Nicole's first bank account.  I had Carol over quite a bit, even when I cleaned house to sit with Nicole.  She was the only non family member I ever had babysit.  I even took Carol on family vacations with us so that she could free up my arms and entertain Aaron also.  I might have mentioned I saw her a few years ago with her own babies and she told me how much it meant to her to spend that summer with us when she was 14.

1502 - Christopher Columbus landed at Guanaja in the Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras during his fourth voyage. Apparently the only things worthwhile of remembering in those days were discoveries and wars.  Have you noticed?

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands
This is our last day to remain in the islands.  I am sorry that the history has been so sad what with, the indigenous people being taken over time and again by large invaders and then used as a target for deadly missiles.  Only to be followed up with natural disasters.  I'm afraid with their luck they might be in the eye of the North Korean's now.  Let's pray for this island group and hope to find forgiveness for the damage that has been wreaked on what was probably a little bit of heaven originally.
     Traveling to a new locale tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, July 28, 2017

July 28, 2017 Friday#eatright#friends#score#ethics#damagedone!

Get Fit
Just looked at a site that suggested some foods can help or hurt depression.  If you suffer with this, as many people do, you might want to take a look and see if it helps.

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:17  "A true friend is always loyal...."  I am blessed with a lot of friends.  Sandy and I have been friends since we were 10, Waynette 12.  Christine and I met in 1966.  Pam and Norma and I go back to the early 70's along with Patrick and Ty,  Betty I met in the 80's.  Monna in the 90's.  I recently met Judy at church maybe 5 or 6 years ago but would have to include her here too.  I could go on and really, they are very good friends that I communicate with regularly - then of course my travel club friends and my cousins and my buddy Don..  They are better blessings than all the gold in the world.  I thank God for all of them, pray for them and hope I am as good a friend to them as they have been to me.

On this day
1984  Here is a memory for 3 of my besties.  Pam and Norma and I went out on a turn boat in Lake Erie to score the race for the offshore boats.  The guys on the boat - may have been gay, it was a fun day with a lot of food and hospitality!  Straight guys are never that accommodating and they never hit on the 3 great looking blonds on their boat.  Just a really pleasant  day!  Afterwards we spent the night at Betty's after a great Italian dinner somewhere - well Mark and I did.  The race was out of Portside in Wyandotte.  Anyone remember?

1865 - The American Dental Association proposed its first code of ethics. I seem to remember these people were also blacksmiths?  Am I confused?

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Following the 2013 emergencies, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tony deBrum was encouraged by the Obama administration in the United States to turn the crises into an opportunity to promote action against climate change. DeBrum demanded new commitment and international leadership to stave off further climate disasters from battering his country and other similarly vulnerable countries. In September 2013, the Marshall Islands hosted the 44th Pacific Islands Forum summit. DeBrum proposed a Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership to galvanize concrete action on climate change.[43]
Rising sea levels are threatening the islands. Regardless of the cause, much of the area of the islands may become uninhabitable if the levels become excessive. Major flooding occurred in 2014 leading to a state of emergency for Majuro.[44] Thousands of islanders have already moved to the US over the past decades for medical treatment and for better education or employment, many settling in Arkansas; emigration is likely to increase as sea levels rise.[45] The right of residents to do so ends in 2023 unless the Compact with the US is renewed. The United States Geological Survey in 2014 warned that rising sea levels will salinize the fresh water on the islands, "thus likely forcing inhabitants to abandon their islands in decades, not centuries, as previously thought". [46][47][48][49]
A report in mid 2017 by Stanford University, some 70 years after 23 atomic bombs were detonated on Bikini Atoll, indicates abundant fish and plant life in the coral reefs. That area of the islands was still not inhabitable by humans, however, due to contamination by radioactivity. A 2012 report by the United Nations had indicated that the contamination was "near-irreversible".[50]   I hate to be be negative but what difference does climate change make on an
area already irreversibly damaged by bombs.?   Little I'm guessing.  Can we learn?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebecca, Jeff and  Sabrina.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

July 27, 2017 Thursday #pickled#humorme#Madonna&Metallica#badtimes!

Get Fit
Go to "Consuming pickle water for 7 days" and see the benefits for this.  What caught my eye was the part about helping with leg cramps.  Vlasic is on my buy list!

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:22  "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." That is good advice I think.  I love to laugh and make people laugh.  I do have a good sense of humor, which I think, is a necessity for living in this world.  My Uncle and I used to store up jokes for one another, we were kindred souls.  Laugh today!  It is good for you!

On this day
1983  We were in the heyday of our boat racing days.  Jack Tate called, he drove "Love It",the race boat around to all the races.  He and the boat were out of Florida.  Pat had gotten a tire for the truck or trailer and we took it to Wyandotte for Jack.  Jack in turn bought us dinner at Portside the restaurant that was hosting the races.  Those were the days my friend!  Fast and furious.

1983 - Madonna's self-titled debut album was released. 

1983 - Metallica began their first tour entitled "Kill 'em all for one." And the music played on.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

21st century[edit]

In 2005, Aloha Airlines canceled its flight services to the Marshall Islands.
In 2008, extreme waves and high tides caused widespread flooding in the capital city of Majuro and other urban centres, 3 feet (0.91 m) above sea level. On Christmas morning in 2008, the government declared a state of emergency.[40] In 2013, heavy waves once again breached the city walls of Majuro.
In 2013, the northern atolls of the Marshall Islands experienced drought. The drought left 6,000 people surviving on less than 1 liter (0.26 U.S. gal) of water per day. This resulted in the failure of food crops and the spread of diseases such as diarrheapink eye, and influenza. These emergencies resulted in the United States President declaring an emergency in the islands. This declaration activated support from US government agencies under the Republic's "free association" status with the United States, which provides humanitarian and other vital support.[41][42]  I wonder how much of this happened because of the previous bombing?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26, 2017 Wednesday #abs#loveyourneighbor#partydays#postmanBen#freetoheal!

Get Fit
I can only hope the sit ups and ab workouts keep my back strong.  I have learned to do the bulk of these on Wednesday before I go to the chiropractor, just in case.

Get Faith
Romans 13:9  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  The study writer took the verse as do you love yourself?  It's a good thought.  If you don't care for yourself, are critical and disappointed in your life, then it might be difficult to love your neighbor.  But be reminded, God loves you as you are, created in His image and capable of many good things.  I like the thought at the end by Victor Alfsen "God can do wonders with a broken heart if you give Him all the pieces."  Give Him your pieces today!

On this day
1981  My party days.  I had been out on the boat with friends the day before and came home to my neighbors having a party that I had to put in a showing with also.  Betty and Bill next door, John and Joan across the street would not let me - not come over.  It was quite late when I got to bed and also when I got up on this day, Sunday morning.  My refrigerator was full of food from the boat party and I took it to Betty and Bills this day and feasted with them.  Their house was just east of mine, in the middle of 5 lots, 3 which were vacant and fenced.  They had a huge German shepherd that guarded my east boarder, even from the police.  A story for another day.  They sold the lots and houses were built and then their house that they had sold, burned down last year.  Things change.

1775 - A postal system was established by the 2nd Continental Congress of the United States. The first Postmaster General was Benjamin Franklin. I did not know that!  Ole Ben had his hand in a lot!

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands


In 1979, the Government of the Marshall Islands was officially established and the country became self-governing.
In 1986, the Compact of Free Association with the United States entered into force, granting the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) its sovereignty. The Compact provided for aid and U.S. defense of the islands in exchange for continued U.S. military use of the missile testing range at Kwajalein Atoll. The independence procedure was formally completed under international law in 1990, when the UN officially ended the Trusteeship status pursuant to Security Council Resolution 683. The Republic was admitted to the UN in 1991.
In 2003, the US created a new Compact of Free Association for the Republic Marshall Islands and Micronesia, with funding of $3.5 billion to be made over the next 20 years.[39]  
  I hope these islands have regenerated their eco systems.  $$$

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Amy, Walter and Yehiel!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 25, 2017 Tuesday#Fittocook#Possible!!#vacay#kids#KissAc/Dc#paradiselost!

Get Fit
Aerobics and weights today.  Later I will be lifting large pans of pasta and meatballs, keep me in your prayers!

Get Faith
Mark 10:27  "Looking at them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but not with God, for things are possible with God.""  God always provides, like today, he provides me with two good friends to help me make dinner for 55 hungry youth and leaders who are doing his work.  They are helping a city that is coming back from a lot of abuse.  In 50 years, since the riots in Detroit the city has suffered great loss and deterioration.  With God's help anything is possible and we will help see Detroit come back to a good place for people to live and grow.

On this day
1980  Andy and Adele were at their cottage in St Helen with the girls.  My brother Mark and I went by and picked up Merri and Lindsey and took them with us to Gaylord to see Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend.  When you have kids you don't sit around and watch TV or play cards - you get busy!  Thank God for kids!

1980 - KISS introduced their new drummer, Eric Carr, at a concert at the Paladium in New York City. 

1980 - AC/DC released "Back In Black." It was their first album with Brian Johnson as lead singer. 

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands, Majuro, Photo by Stefan Lins.
When I first read about the Marshall Islands, my mind immediately went to Lost, the epic television series that most people started watching almost a decade ago. We started watching it last month on Netflix. Please excuse me for being a little out of date, but in all honesty, thinking about these hundreds of tiny, tropical islands floating in the vast Pacific Ocean, I can’t help but think how easy it would be to get Lost there – hidden away forever.
Part of me desperately clings to the idea of a life filled with peace and solitude, where there is nothing to do but watch the tides come and go. I am comforted to know that, in some parts of the world – like the remote corners of the Marshall Islands, this is a reality.  Better than the history lessons we have had of this place lately.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Norma, Kelly and Airyan!

Monday, July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017 Monday#rehydrate#Beholy#benign#Mormons#Trustlol!

Get Fit
After an extremely busy weekend I have to build up my strength for the week ahead which looks like it will be exhausting.  Fortunately today there is a kind cool breeze blowing  in the window.  I believe the word for the day is water.  After cooking in an extremely hot kitchen yesterday, water will help the system get its energy and life back.  I'll let you know if it works.

Get Faith
1 Peter 1:16  "Because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy."   God continues to remind us that He wants us to be with Him.  He subtly reminds me everyday like this story today about Ethel Waters singing "His eye is on the sparrow" and reminding us how we are more valuable to Him than the sparrow.  You too can be His holy child, forgiven, accepted and loved.

on this day
1979  I drove over to my Mom's in the morning and we went to Beaumont Hospital.  I was 32 and not especially looking forward to having a mole and lump removed from my breast.  I remember waking up and having a huge bandage on my right chest and thinking the worse.  They removed the breast.  I think some doctors have a strange sense of humor - it was a benign cyst and I went home to Mom's for some momcare.  So many others are not that fortunate and now that I have had the lung cancer surgery I can identify.

1847 - Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers arrived in the valley of the Great Salt Lake in present-day Utah. Thinking that must have been quite a trek!

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Nuclear testing during the Cold War[edit]

Mushroom cloud from the largest atmospheric nuclear test the United States ever conducted, Castle Bravo.
American bunker located in Bikini Atoll
Rear of bunker
From 1946 to 1958, the early years of the Cold War, the United States tested 67 nuclear weapons at its Pacific Proving Grounds located in the Marshall Islands,[32] including the largest atmospheric nuclear test ever conducted by the U.S., code named Castle Bravo.[33] "The bombs had a total yield of 108,496 kilotons, over 7,200 times more powerful than the atomic weapons used during World War II."[34] With the 1952 test of the first U.S. hydrogen bomb, code named "Ivy Mike," the island of Elugelab in the Enewetak atoll was destroyed. In 1956, the United States Atomic Energy Commissionregarded the Marshall Islands as "by far the most contaminated place in the world."[35]
Nuclear claims between the U.S. and the Marshall Islands are ongoing, and health effects from these nuclear tests linger.[33] [36] Project 4.1 was a medical study conducted by the United States of those residents of the Bikini Atoll exposed to radioactive fallout. From 1956 to August 1998, at least $759 million was paid to the Marshallese Islanders in compensation for their exposure to U.S. nuclear weapon testing.[37][38]

So trust didn't turn out well for them. I love our country but we can be terribly irresponsible.

Enjoy the day Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday To Chip and Kristina!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23, 2017 Sunday #morethanasparrow#lovedandserved#lighthouse#Trusthah!

Get Faith
Matthew 10:29,31  "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father....So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."  The study writer tells a story way too familiar to me.  She mentions a young girl that was conceived in rape and was never loved or wanted by her mother.  She was raised by an Aunt and Grandmother who did their best but lost her to the streets.  People that sense that they are unloved often identify with people they think are unloved as well.  God was watching her and she found her way into the church and the hands of good people that assured her that her Father, God, loved her and she believed.  Loved by God, saved by Jesus!  More than a sparrow.

On this day
1978 -  Pete and I were always busy with friends.  We were in demand because we were a lot of fun, admittingly.  We went out with friends on their boat the day before, jumped ship and went with someone else later in the day and stayed at another couple - Jim and Sharon's on the river for night, had breakfast and went out on their boat and caught a ride back to the marina with someone else that night.  We lived in bathing suits then and I probably had a huge purse full of cosmetics etc., and a beach bag.  This would be impossible for me today, but it was sure fun then!  My schedule is a little different today - church and then feeding 55 people that are on a Road Trip (mission camp) for this week.  Just as much fun!

1715 - The first lighthouse in America was authorized for construction at Little Brewster Island, Massachusetts.  Glad I saw God's lighthouse to lead me home.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands[edit]

Following capture and occupation by the United States during World War II, the Marshall Islands, along with several other island groups located in Micronesia, passed formally to the United States under United Nations auspices in 1947 as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 21.  I see this title "trust territory"  wait till you see tomorrows post.

Enjoy the day!    Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Scott  M and Jason!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

July 22, 2017 Saturday #relax#peaceplease#FramesandFraming#vanished#War!Whatisitgoodfor?

Get Fit
Or get relaxed and ready for another day!!  AM yoga ...oooooommmmm.

Get Faith
Galatians "May peace and blessing be yours from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ."  Maybe you too have noticed how fleeting peace can be.  I do find some peace in yoga but it's gone almost immediately after I get up off the floor.  I pray and that calms me, but too soon the day's business is back.  The study writer tells of a day when she came home from work, stressed, and her husband said "pack up we are going on a road trip".  She complained about the yard work and such but he insisted and they went to a quiet place, stayed in a hotel and enjoyed the peace by the water.  Doesn't that sound great?  Get some peace today, I'm going to try!

On this day
1977  I worked out at the Rochester Frames and Framing store that Quality owned.  They were having a sidewalk sale and it was very busy.  Ginny, Chris, Lou and I went to dinner after we closed the store,  Chris and I had so many occasions with the different girls that worked for Quality over the years - all good memories.  Right Chris?

  1587 - A second English colony was established on Roanoke Island off North Carolina. The colony vanished under mysterious circumstances. This really sounds interesting!

Marshall Islands  Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit

World War II[edit]

US troops inspecting an enemy bunker, Kwajalein Atoll. 1944.
In the months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Kwajalein Atoll was the administrative center of the Japanese 6th Fleet Forces Service, whose task was the defense of the Marshall Islands.[30]
In World War II, the United States, during the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, invaded and occupied the islands in 1944, destroying or isolating the Japanese garrisons. In just one month in 1944, Americans captured Kwajalein Atoll, Majuro and Enewetak, and, in the next two months, the rest of the Marshall Islands, except for Wotje, Mili, Maloelap and Jaluit.
The battle in the Marshall Islands caused irreparable damage, especially on Japanese bases. During the American bombing, the islands' population suffered from lack of food and various injuries. Of the 5100-man Japanese garrison (2600 Imperial Japanese Navy and 2500 Imperial Japanese Army) on the Mili Atoll only half survived to the end of the war.[31]  Yep, strategically well placed for a sound beating from everyone.  This took the last toll
I believe.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   

Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017 Friday #tillithurts#SAVED#traffictime##1lawyernotJeffrey#Japantakover

Get Fit
Did abs and arms again today because nothing hurt after yesterday.  It goes back and forth from the chair with the arm weights to the floor for ab workout.  The hardest part for me is getting up and down as fast as she does.

Get Faith
John 3:17  "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."  This is the verse after 3:16 that defines our faith "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  This saving is not for this world, this time.  It is for your eternal life/time.  Can it help here on this planet?  sure!  but it doesn't go well does it?  We have proven time and again that OUR egos and OUR ways are more important to us than how Jesus tried to tell us how to live.  The Son did not come to condemn, he didn't have to, we do it ourselves.  The Good News is God forgives us those sins here on this planet so that we can have eternal life with Him.

On this day
1976  How much time do we spend shuffling cars around?  I followed Pete to the dealership to drop off his car, he dropped me off at work and then later that day we went to pick up his car and I went home.  The drive time added at least an hour and a half to traffic time.  Occasionally, it can cause a lot of trouble.  I had to let Liliya go from her job because she was an hour late to work because she drove her husband to work and then had to leave an hour and a half later to pick him up.  I hope he makes good money at his job.  (There were other deciding factors.) I use my time in traffic to pray it keeps me from swearing at the other drivers.

1733 - John Winthrop was granted the first honorary Doctor of Law Degree given by Harvard College in Cambridge, MA OH!  great the first lawyer!  For all those car cases!

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Japanese mandate[edit]

Under German control, and even before then, Japanese traders and fishermen from time to time visited the Marshall Islands, although contact with the islanders was irregular. After the Meiji Restoration (1868), the Japanese government adopted a policy of turning the Japanese Empire into a great economic and military power in East Asia.
In 1914, Japan joined the Entente during World War I and captured various German Empire colonies, including several in Micronesia. On September 29, 1914, Japanese troops occupied the Enewetak Atoll, and on September 30, 1914, the Jaluit Atoll, the administrative centre of the Marshall Islands.[24] After the war, on June 28, 1919, Germany signed (under protest) the Treaty of Versailles. It renounced all of its Pacific possessions,[25] including the Marshall Islands. On December 17, 1920, the Council of the League of Nations approved the South Pacific Mandate for Japan to take over all former German colonies in the Pacific Ocean located north of the Equator.[24] The Administrative Centre of the Marshall Islands archipelago remained Jaluit.
The German Empire had primarily economic interests in Micronesia. The Japanese interests were in land. Despite the Marshalls' small area and few resources, the absorption of the territory by Japan would to some extent alleviate Japan's problem of an increasing population with a diminishing amount of available land to house it.[26] During its years of colonial rule, Japan moved more than 1,000 Japanese to the Marshall Islands although they never outnumbered the indigenous peoples as they did in the Mariana Islands and Palau.
The Japanese enlarged administration and appointed local leaders, which weakened the authority of local traditional leaders. Japan also tried to change the social organization in the islands from matrilineality to the Japanese patriarchal system, but with no success.[26] Moreover, during the 1930s, one third of all land up to the high water level was declared the property of the Japanese government. Before Japan banned foreign traders on the archipelago, the activities of Catholic and Protestant missionaries were allowed.[26]
Indigenous people were educated in Japanese schools, and studied the Japanese language and Japanese culture. This policy was the government strategy not only in the Marshall Islands, but on all the other mandated territories in Micronesia. On March 27, 1933, Japan gave notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations,[27][28] but continued to manage the islands, and in the late 1930s began building air bases on several atolls. The Marshall Islands were in an important geographic position, being the easternmost point in Japan's defensive ring at the beginning of World War II.[26][29]
I can't imagine a country going through Spanish - German - now Japanese language changes!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, July 20, 2017

July 20, 2017 Thursday #goodstart#everlasting#12hours;(#Germantact

Get Fit
Worked out with weights and had my granola with Greek yogurt, cranberries and blueberries.  Good start to the day.  What is your plan?

Get Faith
Jeremiah 31:3  "I have loved you, O my people, with an everlasting love; with loving-kindness I have drawn you to me."  It is the type of love we all yearn for.  Someone to be with us in heart and mind every minute - caring for us, thinking of us and providing for us.  It is why when we have a close relationship with him, acknowledging Him daily we are naturally drawn to him in our  thoughts and in our actions.  Pray, praise and thank God every time you think of Him today because, He is thinking of you!

On this day
1975  This was a long day.  Pete and I were in Montreal and after having breakfast in our room (the people there were totally inhospitable) we boarded the train back home.  It was an excessively long 12 hour trip that I don't think I would ever do again.  Pete complained the entire time.  We met a girl on the train and as I had left a car at the Windsor train station, Pete offered to drive her home to Woodward Avenue somewhere.  At least WE were nice people.  I believe that there was a rift between English speaking and French at that time which caused the attitudes in Montreal.

1810 - Colombia declared independence from Spain. Think of the taxes they could have imposed on the drug trade - what a loss!

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

German protectorate[edit]

German protectorate (Schutzgebiet) of the Marshall Islands 1897
Although the Spanish Empire had a residual claim on the Marshalls in 1874, when she began asserting her sovereignty over the Carolines, she made no effort to prevent the German Empire from gaining a foothold there. Britain also raised no objection to a German protectorate over the Marshalls in exchange for German recognition of Britain's rights in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands.[20] On October 13, 1885, the gunboat SMS Nautilus under Captain Fritz Rötger brought German emissaries to Jaluit. They signed a treaty with Kabua, whom the Germans had earlier recognized as "King of the Ralik Islands," on October 15.
Subsequently, seven other chiefs on seven other islands signed a treaty in German and Marshallese and a final copy witnessed by Rötger on November 1 was sent to the German Foreign Office.[21] The Germans erected a sign declaring an "Imperial German Protectorate" at Jaluit. It has been speculated that the crisis over the Carolines with Spain, which almost provoked a war, was in fact "a feint to cover the acquisition of the Marshall Islands", which went almost unnoticed at the time, despite the islands being the largest source of copra in Micronesia.[22] Spain sold the islands to Germany in 1884 through papal mediation.[dubious ]
A German trading company, the Jaluit Gesellschaft, administered the islands from 1887 until 1905. They conscripted the islanders as laborers.[18] After the German–Spanish Treaty of 1899, in which Germany acquired the Carolines, Palau, and the Marianas from Spain, Germany placed all of its Micronesian islands, including the Marshalls, under the governor of German New Guinea.
Catholic missionary Father A. Erdland, from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart based in Hiltrup, Germany, lived on Jaluit from around 1904 to 1914. He was very interested in the islands and conducted considerable research on the Marshallese culture and language. He published a 376-page monograph on the islands in 1914. Father H. Linckens, another Missionary of the Sacred Heart visited the Marshall Islands in 1904 and 1911 for several weeks. He published a small work in 1912 about the Catholic mission activities and the people of the Marshall Islands.[23]  If you have been following this, it is interesting to see how the Germans took 
control here.  I think because the islands were so strategically located they were a good 
acquisition. The book or monograph by the missionary is probably pretty interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Candice!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 19, 2017 Wednesday #wise=smart?#staff#Catholicprinces#donotputashore!

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:33 "Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honored."  These two attributes may be outdated.  Wise and honored have become old people things, I'm thinking.  Do you think of wise as being book smart, well educated or even street smart?  Do you think of honored as someone who gets a grammy or an emmy?  Who do you know that shows humility, that doesn't brag about their accomplishments?  I can say I know people that have reverence for the Lord, is it enough?  Something to think about and why.

On this day
2016  Last year,  I was working at CaptainKool 7 days a week.  I had gone through a lot of office staff and somehow they were all back this year looking for their jobs back.  Last year, Paradise left when I had to let a girl go that just couldn't keep up.  Paradise, didn't even like her but quit in solidarity.  I was alone for a week in a typically 3 person office when Liliya walked in the door and I hired her on the spot when she said she was looking for work. Paradise came back the next day asking for her job back.   This week I had to let Liliya go because she was off so much.  Paradise will be back from her vacation tomorrow, I will let you know if she quits.  I' m retired.  How do you handle staff?

1525 - The Catholic princes of Germany formed the Dessau League to fight against the Reformation. Now this really looks like a good read.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Other European contact[edit]

Captain John Charles Marshall and Thomas Gilbert visited the islands in 1788. The islands were named for Marshall on Western charts, although the natives have historically named their home "jolet jen Anij" (Gifts from God).[8] Around 1820, Russian explorer Adam Johann von Krusenstern and the French explorer Louis Isidore Duperrey named the islands after John Marshall, and drew maps of the islands. The designation was repeated later on British maps.[citation needed] In 1824 the crew of the American whaler Globe mutinied and some of the crew put ashore on Mulgrave Island. One year later, the American schooner Dolphin arrived and picked up two boys, the last survivors of a massacre by the natives due to their brutal treatment of the women.[19]:2
A number of vessels visiting the islands were attacked and their crews killed. In 1834, Captain DonSette and his crew were killed. Similarly, in 1845 the schooner Naiad punished a native for stealing with such violence that the natives attacked the ship. Later that year a whaler's boat crew were killed. In 1852 the San Francisco-based ships Glencoe and Sea Nymph were attacked and everyone aboard except for one crew member were killed. The violence was usually attributed as a response to the ill treatment of the natives in response to petty theft, which was a common practice. In 1857, two missionaries successfully settled on Ebon, living among the natives through at least 1870.[19]:3
The international community in 1874 recognized the Spanish Empire's claim of sovereignty over the islands as part of the Spanish East Indies.  Violence begets violence.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!