Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23, 2017 Sunday #morethanasparrow#lovedandserved#lighthouse#Trusthah!

Get Faith
Matthew 10:29,31  "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father....So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."  The study writer tells a story way too familiar to me.  She mentions a young girl that was conceived in rape and was never loved or wanted by her mother.  She was raised by an Aunt and Grandmother who did their best but lost her to the streets.  People that sense that they are unloved often identify with people they think are unloved as well.  God was watching her and she found her way into the church and the hands of good people that assured her that her Father, God, loved her and she believed.  Loved by God, saved by Jesus!  More than a sparrow.

On this day
1978 -  Pete and I were always busy with friends.  We were in demand because we were a lot of fun, admittingly.  We went out with friends on their boat the day before, jumped ship and went with someone else later in the day and stayed at another couple - Jim and Sharon's on the river for night, had breakfast and went out on their boat and caught a ride back to the marina with someone else that night.  We lived in bathing suits then and I probably had a huge purse full of cosmetics etc., and a beach bag.  This would be impossible for me today, but it was sure fun then!  My schedule is a little different today - church and then feeding 55 people that are on a Road Trip (mission camp) for this week.  Just as much fun!

1715 - The first lighthouse in America was authorized for construction at Little Brewster Island, Massachusetts.  Glad I saw God's lighthouse to lead me home.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands[edit]

Following capture and occupation by the United States during World War II, the Marshall Islands, along with several other island groups located in Micronesia, passed formally to the United States under United Nations auspices in 1947 as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 21.  I see this title "trust territory"  wait till you see tomorrows post.

Enjoy the day!    Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Scott  M and Jason!

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