Sunday, July 2, 2017

July 2, 2017 Sunday #USA#lovingkindness#communal#Worms#history!

Get Patriotic!!!
Raise that stars and stripes flag and enjoy the BBQ!

Get Faith
Psalm 52:8  "But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever."  I have lived in a lot of homes until I was planted here 40 years ago.  Most locations had their own different stories but I can remember and know that God's hand was on me and He watched over me, like a well tended olive tree wherever I was.  You can find yourself in all types of circumstances from homeless to mansions and God is there with you.  You just need to to recognize him.  He loves you.

On this day
1983  Every year in my life was a different scenario.  This year, Andy, Alice, Ty and Norma all lived here and Tony and  Teresa were here most of the time.  Almost like a commune.  We barbecued all the time and enjoyed each others company.  It didn't last - but for the time it was great.  We all moved on from here.  On this day I laid on the deck and sunbathed all day.  (I wonder who tended the yard?)

1298 - An army under Albert of Austria defeated and killed Adolf of Nassua near Worms, Germany. I guess they didn't have last names in those days and I hope I would never be planted in Worms.  

Dalap-Uliga-Darrit  Marshall Islands


Majuro Atoll was claimed by the German Empire with the rest of the Marshall Islands in 1884, and the Germans established a trading outpost. As with the rest of the Marshalls, Majuro was captured by the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1914 during World War I and mandated to the Empire of Japan by the League of Nations in 1920. The island then became a part of the Japanese mandated territory of Nanyo; although the Japanese had established a government in Nanyo, local affairs were mostly left in the hands of traditional local leaders until the start of World War II.
U.S. Fifth Fleet at Majuro Atoll 1944.
On January 30, 1944, United States troops invaded. In 1986, Marshall Islands become an independent nation and Delap-Uliga-Djarrit become the country's capital.
This is a short concise history, but significant!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sam and Trevor! 

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