Thursday, July 13, 2017

July 13, 2017 Thursday #shamed#feedthechildren#doublewhammy#getwhatyoureap#discipicable!

Get Fit
After watching an eighty one year old lady on TV last night, planking - I was shamed into doing a little more to increase my muscle tone.  She was amazing!  I worked out with the resistance band this morning, but should try it again later today!

Get Faith
Matthew 10:42  "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward."  There is such sorrow in this world, with children catching the brunt of most of it.  I apologize to God for having to see the sorrow and suffering of every child on this earth.  We can't imagine the numbers.  You don't have to do a lot, just what you can.  The study writer mentions Dr Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision for his great work in feeding the children of this world.  We don't do this for acclaim or reward, that isn't the point. If you believe in Jesus Christ you know he would feed 5,000 or 10,000 at a time and because of Him and what he has done for us,  we want to help in His mission.

On this day
1999 Work changed after the boss got a divorce.  When I got my pay after the Fourth of July, he had closed on Monday and gave us 4 days off with the weekend, but didn't pay us for the Monday.  Before the divorce we would have been paid.  I guess he was trying to recoup his losses.  After getting a short paycheck I had to take to Nicole to drivers training.  Now, there is nothing more worrisome or anything that makes you feel older that your child taking drivers training!  Agreed?  Bad day.

1099 - The Crusaders launched their final assault on Muslims in Jerusalem.  Just so you know this happened and now is the reverse repeating itself.  WAR 

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

Spain claimed the islands in 1592 and the European powers recognized its sovereignty over the islands in 1874. They had been part of the Spanish East Indies formally since 1528. Later, Spain sold the islands to the German Empire in 1885, and they became part of German New Guinea that year, run by the trading companies doing business in the islands, particularly the Jaluit Company.[9] In World War I the Empire of Japan occupied the Marshall Islands, which in 1920, the League of Nations combined with other former German territories to form the South Pacific Mandate. During World War II, the United States conquered the islands in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign in 1944. Nuclear testing began in 1946 on Bikini Atoll after residents were evacuated. Over the years, 67 weapon tests were conducted, including the 15-megatonne Bravo hydrogen bomb test that created significant fallout in the region. The testing concluded in 1958. Over the years, some cleanup was completed by the US government.[10] Some clean up?  We are despicable.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Erika and Elsie!!

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